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Tuesday 18 april 2023 locAl
Aruba Tourism Authority honored a loyal
visitor at Casa Del Mar Beach Resort
The Aruba Tourism Author-
ity recently had the great
pleasure to recognize a
Distinguished Visitor of Aru-
ba. This visitor was respec-
tively honored with a cer-
tificate acknowledging his
Can I have a …,please? years of visits, loyalty, and
love to the island of Aruba.
The honor certification is
presented on behalf of the
Minister of Tourism as a to-
ken of appreciation and
to say “Masha Danki” to
guests whom have visited
Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or
more consecutively.
The three honoring levels
ORANJESTAD — Want to taste something different for are as follows:
a change?? How about a different breakfast from Distinguished Visitor
what you are used to at your hotel. Hop in your car, (10>years consecutively It is extremely pleasant to with gifts, and also ex-
drive around and anywhere around the island you will visiting Aruba) witness how families all pressed gratitude to his
come across a local snack shop. Goodwill Ambassador gather together and bring family for bringing young
(20>years consecutively their kids, and in some cas- Tyler along with them to
Here you will find all types of snacks loved by the locals. visiting Aruba) es, grandchildren along Aruba since he was a baby
Try a pastechi, a Caribbean pastry filled with cheese Emerald Ambassador so they can see why their for so many consecutive
or meat and fried up deliciously. Or perhaps you might (35>years consecutively families fell in love with Aru- years.
want to try a croquette, a crusty little meat ball. A visiting Aruba) ba in the first place and still
dedito is also a good option, it’s a stick made out of yearn to visit the island af- Top reasons for returning to
cheese or hotdog. If you want to try something more The honoree was: Distin- ter all these years. Aruba, provided by Tyler
familiar go for a homemade hamburger or a ham and guished Visitor of Aruba Ty- Ms. Kimberley Richardson were:
cheese toast, but with a local touch. All these snacks ler Braden from Wisconsin, representing the Aruba Ocean & sunshine
are ridiculously addictive. Freshen up with a delicious United States. Young boy Tourism Authority, and The iguanas all around the
fruit shake (batido) made out of watermelon, straw- Tyler has been visiting the staff members of the Casa Casa Del Mar Beach Resort
berry, banana, papaya or just mix any fruit together. island with his family since Del Mar Beach Resort be- The delicious mudslides
What makes these little snack shops more attractive he was only 6 weeks old, stowed the Distinguished Family fun
is the warmth of its people and with the smile you are and today we mark his 10th Visitor Certification to the Being able to build sand-
being served.q consecutive visit to Aruba! honoree, presented him castles on the beach.q
Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors at the Marriott’s Aruba Surf Club
The Aruba Tourism Author- Top reasons for return-
ity recently had the great ing to Aruba, provided by
pleasure to recognize Mrs. Baginski were: Aruba’s
Goodwill Ambassadors of nice sandy beaches – Love
Aruba. These Ambassadors Boca Catalina Beach
were respectively honored The Marriott and adjacent
with certificates acknowl- properties – Easy to walk
edging their years of visits, along the beaches
loyalty, and love to the is- Aruba’s safety – Drinking
land of Aruba. water, beach access, and
The honor certification is Adventure
presented on behalf of the Great food & entertain-
Minister of Tourism as a to- ment
ken of appreciation and Top reasons for returning to
to say “Masha Danki” to Aruba, provided by Mr. &
guests whom have visited (20>years consecutively been coming to the island members of the Marriott’s Mrs. Kelly were:
Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or visiting Aruba) for 20 years consecutively. Aruba Surf Club bestowed Aruba’s year-round sunny
more consecutively. Emerald Ambassador Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Caroline the Ambassador certifi- weather
(35>years consecutively Kelly from Maryland, United cation to the honorees, Aruba’s delicious variety of
The three honoring levels visiting Aruba) States. Mr. & Mrs. Kelly have presented them with gifts, foods
are as follows: been coming to the island and also thanked them for Aruba’s warm & friendly
Distinguished Visitor The honorees were: Good- for 30 years consecutively. choosing Aruba as their fa- people
(10>years consecutively will Ambassadors Mrs. Jes- Ms. Kimberley Richardson vorite vacation destination Aruba’s nice sandy beach-
visiting Aruba) sie Baginski from Ohio, Unit- representing the Aruba and as their home-away- es and picturesque sunsets
Goodwill Ambassador ed States. Mrs. Baginski has Tourism Authority, and from-home. Aruba’s cleanliness q