Page 14 - HOH
P. 14
LOCAL Wednesday 14 september 2022
The Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors on the island
from Missouri, United States weather, its white sandy
who were honored as Dis- beaches and turquoise
tinguished Visitors. waters, its picturesque sun-
This symbolic honorary title sets, its safety, its variety of
is presented on behalf of foods, and Aruba’s warm
the Minister of Tourism as and friendly people whom
a token of appreciation to have become like family to
the guests who visit Aruba them.”
between the 10-20-35 and Ms. Richardson together
more consecutive year with the representatives of
mark. the Marriott’s Aruba Surf
Club presented the cer-
About the reason for re- tificates to the honorees,
turning to our Island, Kim- handed over some pres-
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, These certificates are a years “Goodwill Ambassa- berley wrote “These won- ents and also thanked
Aruba Tourism Authority way to say “Masha Danki” dor” and 36+ years “Emer- derful women stated that them for choosing Aruba
representative Kimberley for continuously choosing ald Ambassador”. they love visiting the island as their favorite vacation
Richardson had the great Aruba as a favorite vaca- very much, especially destination and as their
pleasure in honoring many tion destination. The titles The honorees were Mrs. for its year-round sunny home-away-from-home.q
loyal Aruba visitors with are as following: 10+ years Donna Dansberry and Mrs.
their distinctive certificates. “Distinguished Visitor”, 20+ Kathie Lowenstein, both
The Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors
on the island
EAGLE BEACH - Recently,
Aruba Tourism Authority
representative Kimberley
Richardson had the great
pleasure in honoring many
loyal Aruba visitors with
their distinctive certificates.
These certificates are a
way to say “Masha Danki”
for continuously choosing
Aruba as a favorite vaca- the Minister of Tourism as foods, and Aruba’s warm
tion destination. The titles a token of appreciation to and friendly people whom
are as following: 10+ years the guests who visit Aruba have become like family to
“Distinguished Visitor”, 20+ between the 10-20-35 and them.”
years “Goodwill Ambassa- more consecutive year
dor” and 36+ years “Emer- mark. Ms. Richardson together
ald Ambassador”. About the reason for re- with the representatives of
turning to our Island, Kim- the Playa Linda Beach Re-
The honorees were the berley wrote “This wonder- sort presented the Goodwill
couple Mr. Ronald and ful and thoughtful couple Ambassador certificate to
Mrs. Eileen Jones, from New stated that they love the the honorees, handed over
Jersey, United States who island very much, especial- some presents and also
were honored as Goodwill ly for its year-round sunny thanked them for choos-
Ambassadors. weather, its white sandy ing Aruba as their favorite
beaches and turquoise vacation destination and
This symbolic honorary title waters, its picturesque sun- as their home-away-from-
is presented on behalf of sets, its safety, its variety of home.q