Page 4 - RIU HOTEL
P. 4
Friday 2 March 2018
Beach Volleyball to Help Local Community
Continued from Page 13
” To her it all changed when
she participated in the car-
nival parade years ago.
That was where she met
the locals and I realized
there was a high need for
support. “I did not know
about the children’s home
Casa Cuna but my first year
I bought for $1,000 dollars
clothes, toys and so on.”
She felt empowered and
came up with the idea of
the Beach Volley tourna-
“I needed teams and put
banners in hotels, I asked
different organizations and
businesses for food, snacks,
and drinks. The sponsors are
simply great. If I would have
to have paid for all the ca-
tering, no money would
have been left for the peo-
ple. We have a generous
community, thank God.” Cabana. More information sance, Diamond Black
on Facebook Ms Canada’s necklace and more.
The Annual Beach Volley- Charity in Aruba or email The presentation of the
ball Tournament will take michelle1begin@gmail. check and the prize draw-
place coming Sunday, com. There are attractive ing event will be March
March 4th at 12 PM at Ea- prizes to win like a stay at 24th at 6 PM at the Hard
gle Beach, in front of La Marriott, a stay at Renais- Rock Café.q
Loyal Guests Honored at Divi Village Beach Resort
DRUIF BEACH - Recently vid and Mrs. Andrea Szott,
the Aruba Tourism Authority celebrating more than 10
had the great pleasure of consecutive annual visits to
honoring a couple of loyal Aruba!
and friendly visitors of Aru- These special visitors love
ba at the Divi Village Beach Aruba very much because
Resort as Distinguished Visi- of the people, the Divi Vil-
tors. lage, and the sun, sand
and sea.
The symbolic honorary title The certificate was present-
is presented in the name ed by Ms. Emely Riddersta-
of the Minister of Tourism as at representing the Aruba
a token of appreciation to Tourism Authority together
guests who visit Aruba for with associates from the
10-to-19 consecutive years. Divi Village Beach Resort.
The honorees were Mr. Da- q