P. 7
AAA proudly announces that as of December 23, 2017:
New seasonal weekly Minneapolis
flights to Aruba by Sun Country and Delta
ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) proudly announces and anxiously awaits the arrival of
two seasonal weekly flights to Aruba on Saturdays as of December 23, 2017.
The interesting fact about these two flights is that they will both be arriving from Minneapolis to Aruba around
the same timeframe: “These are two exciting options for the travelers with interest in flying to Aruba from
Minneapolis,” said AAA CEO Mr. James Fazio.
Sun Country’s first seasonal flight to Aruba will be offered from December 2017 through April 2018 via
Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport, Terminal 2. The service to Aruba will include one flight per week,
departing on Saturdays. The type B737-800 aircraft will arrive at 4:55 pm and has a 168 seat capacity.
Delta Airlines will also provide the weekly MSP – AUA (Minneapolis – Aruba) service starting December 23,
2017 and will continue offering this service until March 31, 2018. This flight will be the third nonstop flight to
Aruba performed by Delta Airlines, as Atlanta and New York are also served non-stop by the airline. The new
seasonal weekly MSP – AUA flight operated with a B737-800 type aircraft will arrive at 4:40 pm and has a
199 seat capacity.
AAA looks forward to welcoming these two inaugural flights this coming Saturday and will be welcoming the
arriving Minneapolis passengers with a token of appreciation.
You can follow the inaugural event via the airport’s facebook page “Queen Beatrix International Airport –
Aruba” this coming Saturday. More details on these new flight options will follow.