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U.S. NEWSMonday 23 March 2015

Sheriff: Airport attacker had machete, Molotov cocktails 

KEVIN McGILL dropped it in the airport. right and positive and Public officials applaud TSA agent Carol Richel who suffered a
Associated Press The bag contained six Ma- caused certain things to gunshot wound to the arm at Louis Armstrong International Air-
KENNER, Louisiana (AP) — son jars with cloth wicks happen, but by the same port on Saturday, March 21, 2015, in Kenner, La. Authorities said
A machete-wielding at- soaked in gasoline and token — one second here, the machete-wielding man who was shot at New Orleans’ inter-
tacker who died hours af- that residue from smoke one second there — it national airport after trying to attack passengers and security
ter being shot by a sheriff’s bombs also was found near could have been a much agents was carrying explosives at the time.
deputy who stopped his White’s body, Normand different outcome.”
rampage at New Orleans’ added. Investigators are trying to (AP Photo/Michael DeMocker )
international airport had a “Fortunately, he didn’t seri- determine the motivations
bag loaded with Molotov ously injure anybody,” said of the man and the man’s Normand said White is be- ing a variety of sources and
cocktails, authorities say. Normand, speaking Satur- family has been cooperat- lieved to be a former taxi databases to obtain his
Richard White, 63, had day at a news conference ing with the investigation, driver, but added that in- employment and criminal
been shot Friday night as at the Louis Armstrong New the sheriff said. When dis- vestigators are still examin- history.q
he chased an unarmed Orleans International Air- cussing the attack, Nor-
Transportation Security Ad- port. He is sheriff of Jeffer- mand said at the news
ministration agent through son Parish, a suburban New conference that there was
a concourse full of fright- Orleans district where the a “mental health compo-
ened travelers — and in airport is located. nent” but didn’t elaborate
the direction of a sheriff’s Normand said the situation on any specifics.
deputy, who drew her gun could have been much Authorities also found
and fired three times. White worse. smoke bombs and tanks of
died Saturday afternoon. “You know, sometimes, acetylene, Freon and oxy-
Sheriff Newell Normand the saying: You’d rather gen in the trunk of his car,
said investigators discov- be lucky than good. I think Normand said, but investi-
ered White had been car- we were both last night to gators didn’t know what, if
rying a bag loaded with the nth degree,” he said. “I anything, White intended
Molotov cocktails, but had think we did a lot of things to do with the materials.

Florida man who faked death

arrested in North Carolina 

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Life Insurance Co. also al-
A Jacksonville businessman leged a worker was bribed
reported dead two years to falsify documents stating
ago in Venezuela was ar- the businessman’s body
rested in North Carolina on was cremated. They also
alleged fraud charges Sat- claim Lantigua fraudulently
urday after his life insurance assigned benefits claims to
companies filed a lawsuit a local creditor before he
alleging he was alive and disappeared.
they shouldn’t be making The South Florida  Busi-
payments. ness  Journal reports Lan-
Details of the charges tigua’s son accused the
against 62-year-old Jose insurance company of
Lantigua are unclear. But falsifying its investigation
Saturday’s arrest ends two into his father’s death, ac-
years of speculation about cusing the company of ly-
whether the former furni- ing about the Venezuelan
ture store owner had faked government revoking his
an illness in 2013 while va- father’s death certificate.
cationing in Venezuela, The newspaper reported
leaving his business millions that the insurance compa-
of dollars in debt. ny admitted a Venezuelan
His life insurance compa- lawyer did alter documents
nies thought they were be- to make it seem like the
ing swindled and launched Venezuelan government
an investigation saying nullified the death certifi-
the businessman was not cate. A judge ruled the pa-
dead after two lenders pers were faked, but could
filed claims. The lawsuits by not determine who faked
Hartford Life and Annuity them.q
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