Page 14 - ATA MARCH 22,2016
P. 14
Tuesday 22 March 2016
Loyal visitors honored at the Marriott Surf Club
Recently the Aruba Tour- of the Minister of Tourism as Mr. Luc Anthony Zito from
ism Authority had the great a token of appreciation to Quebec Canada received
pleasure of honoring a guests who visit Aruba for their Goodwill Ambassa-
group of loyal and friendly 20 to 35 and 35 or more dors certificate, Mr. Lucia-
Visitors of Aruba, at the consecutive years. no and Mrs. Giovanna Zito
Marriott Surf Club, as Am- The honorees were Mr. Ken- from Quebec Canada re-
bassadors of Goodwill and neth and Mrs. Donna Miller ceived their Honorary Em-
Honorary Emerald Ambas- from Massachusetts, Mr. erald Ambassadors certifi-
sadors. Ciro Merone and his daugh- cate representing over 35
The symbolic honorary titles ter Devon Anne Merone years of consecutive visit to
are presented in the name from Chesterfield NJ. and Aruba.