Page 62 - ARUBA BANK
P. 62
20 AWEMainta Dialuna, 25 Juni 2018
The Power of Word of Mouth
VCC International, ect, VCC proudly adds of IT solutions. Of
the leading distributor yet another country to course, most of these
of business software its long list of coun- expats sooner or later
packages in the Dutch tries in which it has return to their coun-
Caribbean, has earned been hired to provide try of origin, whether
a solid reputation for software support. it be somewhere in the
creating highly cus- How does this happen, Caribbean, the US, or
tomized IT solutions exactly? How does a Europe. When they
to meet the unique business in another take on a new man-
needs of businesses. country find out about aging role in their
Most recently, VCC VCC International’s home country and
International met the quality services and again require software
IT needs of a busi- request its expertise? support, they often
ness in Haiti, where It’s quite simple, actu- encounter unprofes-
team members Bert ally. A good number sional service provid-
Vermaas and Brachelo of expats are constant- ers. Remembering the
Regina completed a ly coming to the ABC excellent service they
full implementation of islands to fill man- received from VCC In-
M-Files, a robust doc- aging positions, and ternational, they pick
ument management many of them have up the phone and call
system that optimizes experienced VCC’s for help.
efficiency and produc- exceptional services It is in precisely this
tivity. With this proj- and vast knowledge way that VCC Inter-
Centrale Bank van Aruba
national has been able Gabon, Kazakhstan,
NR 5251 to establish clients in Switzerland, Qatar,
ber of countries (and bique. And now, VCC
valuta aankoop van publiek verkoop aan
bankpapier wissels, CHQ's publiek states) around the proudly counts Haiti
reischeques en
overboekingen world, including Aru- as the newest member
Ned. Antil. Gulden ANG 98.00 100.00 biljetten 100.20
Per ANG 100 chq./overboeking 100.00 ba, Bonaire, Curacao, of its family. Top-qual-
Amerikaanse dollar USD 1.77 1.78 1.80
Trinidad & Tobago, ity, memorable service
Canadese dollar CAD 1.32 1.34 1.36
Martinique, St. Lucia, obviously pays off!
Zwitserse frank CHF 179.65 180.37 181.17 St. Maarten, Puerto Interested in learning
(per 100)
Pond sterling GBP 2.30 2.35 2.41 Rico, Dominican Re- more about how VCC
public, Bahamas, Tex- International can pro-
Japanse yen JPY 160.23 161.70 163.32
(per 10.000) as, Mexico, Panama, vide customized IT
EURO EUR 205.58 207.46 209.54
(per 100) Colombia, Venezuela, solutions for your
Deense kroon DKK 26.86 27.58 28.38 the Netherlands, Rus- business? Visit their
(per 100)
Noorse kroon NOK 20.98 21.70 22.50 sia, Anguilla, United website at https://vcc-
(per 100)
Zweedse kroon SEK 19.13 19.85 20.65 Kingdom, Nigeria,
(per 100)
Ingevolge de Centrale Bank verordening stelt de CENTRALE BANK VAN ARUBA
de koersen vast voor het deviezenverkeer
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