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sports Diasabra 6 November 2021
NBA: Firm will probe Suns after report of racism, misogyny
(AP) — The NBA has Bass said. “Once the investi- of racial insensitivity, sexual
asked a law firm to inves- gation is completed, its find- harassment, and micro-ag-
tigate the Phoenix Suns ings will provide the basis for gressions with their truth.
after a published report any league action.”
on Thursday detailed alle- “Basketball and 17 years in
gations that owner Robert Among the allegations: For- the NBA has allowed me the
Sarver has a history of rac- mer Suns coach Earl Watson financial privilege to speak
ist, misogynistic and hos- said Sarver was upset that my truth, but we can’t forget
tile incidents during his Golden State forward Dray- about those who must re-
17-year tenure in charge mond Green used the N- main silent for fear of losing
of the franchise. word during a game in 2016 their jobs.”
and that the owner repeated
ESPN said it talked to dozens the N-word several times The report also details a sto-
of current and former team when voicing his displeasure. ry about how Sarver passed
employees for the story, in- Watson said he told Sarver around a picture of his wife
cluding some who detailed that he can’t use that word. in a Suns bikini to employ-
inappropriate behavior by ees. The report says more
Sarver. Most of the allega- Watson was the Suns’ coach than a dozen employees also ation, but said none of them the allegations in today’s
tions are from anonymous for all or part of three sea- said Sarver had a history of had expressed that sentiment ESPN story. We view these
sources but a few are on the sons before being fired three “making lewd comments in to this point. allegations as serious and ap-
record. games into the 2017-18 sea- all-staff meetings.” plaud the League’s decision
son. Suns guard Devin Booker to conduct an investigation.
In ESPN’s report, Sarver de- The Suns hosted the Hous- — who is the team’s longest- We will defer any further
nied or disputed most of the Sarver said in his statement ton Rockets on Thursday tenured player at seven years comments until that process
allegations through his legal that Watson was “clearly not night and Phoenix coach — was the only one on the has been concluded.”
team. The Suns also strongly a credible source.” Monty Williams addressed current roster who played for
denied the report in a lengthy the report before the game. Watson. In ESPN’s story, Bass said
statement released Thursday. “While there is so much that Williams — who is Black — the NBA had not “received
is inaccurate and mislead- said he hadn’t talked with He said Watson was cred- a complaint of misconduct
“I would entirely welcome an ing in this story that I hardly Sarver since ESPN’s story ible and added “that’s my at the Suns organization
impartial NBA investigation know where to begin, let me was published and that if he guy” but said he didn’t know through any of our process-
which may prove our only be clear: The n-word is not had heard the owner say any about the Watson-Sarver in- es, including our confiden-
outlet for clearing my name part of my vocabulary,” Sarv- of the things that were al- teraction until he read ES- tial workplace misconduct
and the reputation of an or- er said. “I have never called leged in the story “I wouldn’t PN’s story. hotline or other correspon-
ganization of which I’m so anyone or any group of peo- be in this seat.” dence.”
very proud,” Sarver said. ple the n-word, or referred “I wasn’t aware of the situ-
to anyone or any group of “My reaction is it’s a lot ation,” Booker said. “In my Sarver has owned the Suns
Sarver will get his wish. The people by that word, either to process,” Williams said. seven years I’ve been here, I since 2004. The 59-year-old
NBA released its own state- verbally or in writing. I don’t “There’s so many things haven’t noticed that, but that Phoenix businessman also
ment from executive vice use that word.” there and for me it’s still not doesn’t make me insensitive owns the WNBA’s Phoenix
president of communica- clear, as far as the facts are to the subject. I think the Mercury.
tions Mike Bass saying the Watson released his own concerned. As someone who NBA opened an investiga-
allegations were “extremely statement through the To- is the caretaker of the pro- tion, they’ll do their due dili- The Suns are coming off one
serious” and that the league ronto Raptors, where he is gram, I find all of these things gence of bringing out facts of the most successful sea-
has asked the Wachtell Lip- now an assistant coach. that are being said serious in instead of he said, she said. sons in their history, making
ton law firm to “commence nature. These allegations are I’m sure the NBA has it in the NBA Finals with stars
a comprehensive investiga- “I am not interested in en- sensitive — that’s an under- good hands and will do the Devin Booker, Chris Paul
tion.” gaging in an ongoing battle of statement.” proper research to find out and Deandre Ayton before
fact,” Watson said. “Instead, the truth.” losing in six games to the
“The NBA and WNBA re- I want to applaud the cour- Williams added that he would Milwaukee Bucks. The Suns
main committed to provid- age of the numerous players, understand if any of his play- The NBA Players Associa- also made the finals in 1976
ing a respectful and inclusive executives, and staffers for ers didn’t want to play on tion said in a statement that and 1993 but have never won
workplace for all employees,” fighting toxic environments Thursday because of the situ- it was “continuing to review a championship.
Qatari club agrees to let Xavi become Barcelona coach
(AP) — Xavi Hernández, through, and we understand coaching the reserve team. ing the club win 25 titles,
the player who personi- Xavi’s current employer, this and decided not to stand including four Champions
fied the attacking style Qatari club Al-Sadd, said in his way,” Al-Sadd CEO Faced with a barrage of ques- Leagues and eight Spanish
popularized by Barcelona Friday that the former mid- Turki Al-Ali said in a posting tions about Xavi in a regular leagues in 17 seasons. He was
and Spain’s national team, fielder would be freed from on the club’s Twitter account. pre-match news conference, also key to Spain’s streak of
is close to returning to his coaching contract once “We’ve agreed on coopera- Barjuan repeated that Barce- titles when it won the 2010
Camp Nou as coach. his release clause is paid. His tion with Barcelona in the lona had yet to announce the World Cup and European
current contract runs into future. Xavi is an important signing of a new coach. Even Championships in 2008 and
2023. part of Al-Sadd’s history and so, he spoke of Saturday’s 2012.
we wish him success.” match at Celta Vigo as his last
Barcelona declined to com- in the dugout. He has been at Al-Sadd since
ment on the cost, but Spanish Xavi is set to replace Ronald leaving Barcelona, first as a
media reports say Xavi’s buy- Koeman, who was fired last “Barcelona has not made any- player and then as coach.
out clause is 5 million euros week following a series of thing official, but we all hope
($5.7 million). losses for a club that failed to this can be worked out,” Bar- Xavi’s vision, passing and
re-sign Lionel Messi. Sergi juan said. “If Xavi comes, I ability to maintain the ball
“Xavi informed us a few days Barjuan has been coaching will be happy to help him in under pressure made him
ago of his desire to go to Bar- Barcelona since, overseeing any way I can.” critical to leading both Bar-
celona at this particular time, a draw in the Spanish league celona and Spain’s national
because of the critical stage and a victory in the Champi- The 41-year-old Xavi left team to their most successful
his hometown club is going ons League. He will return to Barcelona in 2015 after help- eras.