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                                                                                                                                         Friday 5 May 2017

California family with 2 toddlers booted from Delta flight

DAVID KOENIG                   to a Transportation Security        Delta Air Lines planes are parked at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, in Washington.
CHRISTOPHER WEBER              Administration spokesman.           A California family says they were forced off a Delta plane and threatened with jail after refusing
AP Airlines Writer             By late Thursday afternoon,         to give up one of their children’s seats on a crowded flight. A video of the April 23, 2017, incident
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Delta       Delta still had not explained       was uploaded to Facebook on Wednesday, May 3, 2017, and adds to the list of recent encounters
Air Lines is offering refunds  why the Schears were re-            on airlines that went viral, including the dragging of a passenger off a United Express plane.
and compensation to a          moved from the plane. A
California family that says    spokesman said the flight                                                                                                                  (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
they were forced off a         was not overbooked.
plane and threatened with      On the video, Brian Schear          a seat for children under      ment late Thursday after-      A spokesman said Delta
jail after refusing to give    can be heard talking with           2 and put them in an ap-       noon.                          would not disclose the
up one of their seats on a     a person off-camera — it is         proved child-safety seat.      “We are sorry for the un-      amount of the refund or
crowded flight.                not clear whether that per-         Brian Schear spoke briefly     fortunate experience our       compensation.
A video of the April 23 inci-  son is a Delta employee,            to The Associated Press        customers had with Delta,      Congress held two hearings
dent was uploaded to You-      a security officer, or some-        by telephone Thursday          and we’ve reached out to       this week on airline custom-
Tube on Wednesday and          body else.                          and said he has been           them to refund their travel    er service — a response to
added to the list of recent    After Schear says that he           overwhelmed by media           and provide additional         the video of Chicago air-
encounters on airlines that    won’t leave — the airline           requests. He declined ad-      compensation,” the state-      port security officers drag-
have gone viral, including     will have to remove him             ditional comment said the      ment read. Delta said its      ging a 69-year-old man off
the dragging of a bloodied     — the person off-camera             family may hold a news         goal is to work with custom-   a United Express flight to
passenger off a United Ex-     replies, “You and your wife         conference.                    ers to resolve travel issues,  make room for crew mem-
press plane.                   will be in jail ... it’s a federal  The Atlanta-based airline      “that did not happen in this   bers who were traveling for
Brian and Brittany Schear of   offense if you don’t abide”         issued an updated state-       case and we apologize.”        work. q
Huntington Beach, Califor-     by an airline crew’s order.
nia, told KABC-TV in Los An-   Schear then suggests that
geles that they were return-   his wife could hold one of
ing from Hawaii with their     the toddlers during takeoff
two toddlers. They wanted      and then put the young-
to put one of the children in  ster in the car seat. Another
a seat they had bought for     person, who appears to
their 18-year-old son, who     be a Delta supervisor, tells
instead flew home on an        him that federal rules re-
earlier flight.                quire that children under 2
Delta says on its web-         must stay in a parent’s lap
site that tickets cannot       throughout the flight.
be transferred and name        That is false. The Federal
changes are not allowed.       Aviation Administration
Federal regulations do not     “strongly urges” that infants
bar changing the name on       be in a car seat, although
a ticket as long as the new    it permits those under 2 to
passenger’s name can be        be held in a parent’s lap.
run through a data base        On its website, Delta rec-
before the flight, according   ommends that parents buy

Chicago shooting prompts push to better arm police officers

DON BABWIN                     to protect themselves from          Yards neighborhood on          One officer was shot in the    carry semi-automatic long
Associated Press               gang members who are                the city’s South Side, where   arm and hip and the oth-       guns if they are trained and
CHICAGO (AP) — The shoot-      favoring these weapons              the two officers were shot     er in the back. They have      certified, but there aren’t
ing of two plainclothes of-    more and more.                      and wounded Tuesday.           been released from the         enough instructors.
ficers with a high-powered     “We are now seeing a big            Occupants in two vehicles      hospital. They were con-       “My brother is a Chica-
rifle this week was a chill-   push on the street of gang          opened fire on the officers    ducting a follow-up inves-     go police officer, he was
ing reminder of something      members carrying semi-              who were sitting in an un-     tigation to a previous in-     trained (to use these weap-
Chicago police have long       automatic weapons and               marked vehicle. No arrests     cident and were wearing        ons) in the Marines and it
said: They are outgunned       high-powered assault rifles         have been made.                civilian clothes with vests    still took him 2 ½ years to
by the city’s gangs.           and using them in the com-          “We have been investigat-      bearing police badges.         get certified,” Alderman
Now, four aldermen who         mission of crimes, shooting         ing increased sightings or     More than a dozen bullets      Anthony Napolitano said.
are all former Chicago po-     police officers and one an-         use of AR-15s, or assault ri-  were recovered from the        “His partner did two tours of
lice officers are pushing to   other as well,” Alderman            fles, in the conflict between  scene of Tuesday’s shoot-      duty in Iraq, he was a colo-
get as many officers trained   Christopher Taliaferro said.        two rival gangs in that        ing.                           nel, and he’s been waiting
in using high-powered long     This is particularly true, po-      area,” police spokesman        The aldermen say Chicago       at least a year to get certi-
guns as quickly as possible    lice say, in the Back of the        Anthony Guglielmi said.        officers are now allowed to    fied.” q
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