Page 47 - MIN ON 8 DEC 2015
P. 47


BUSINESSTuesday 8 December 2015

Oil hits lowest price since 2009, sinking energy stocks  STREET BRIEFS

BERNARD CONDON                  thanks to falling fuel costs.  stock market more vulner-      cent in recent weeks.            Germany’s Linde
AP Business Writer              JetBlue Airways jumped         able to price swings in the    — Keurig Green Mountain          buying American
NEW YORK (AP) — A sharp         $1.01, or 4 percent, to        commodity.                     soared 72 percent after          HomePatient Inc
drop in the price of oil on     $26.49. Delta Air Lines also   In each of the past three      agreeing to be acquired
Monday rattled investors        rose 4 percent, gaining $2     quarters, as oil prices have   by a private equity firm.       BERLIN (AP) — German
and helped push stocks          to close at $51.78.            tanked, earnings per share     The stock jumped $37.19         technology group Linde
lower across several indus-                                                                                                   AG says it is buying U.S.
tries.                          Traders work at the post of specialist Meric Greenbaum, center, on the floor of the New York  home care company
Investors sold from the                                                                                                       American HomePatient,
start of trading follow-        Stock Exchange. A sharp drop in the price of oil on Monday rattled investors and helped push  Inc. for an undisclosed
ing a decision by OPEC                                                                                                        sum. Linde, which is active
last week not to cut pro-       stocks lower across several industries.				                   (AP Photo/Richard Drew)         in gases and engineer-
duction. Benchmark  U.S.                                                                                                      ing, said Monday that the
crude dropped nearly 6          In theory, lower oil prices    for energy companies in        to $88.89.                      acquisition from Highland
percent, deepening its          should help many stocks        the S&P 500 have dropped       — Office Depot plunged          Capital Management LP
stunning 1½ year plunge,        because consumers often        more than 50 percent, ac-      nearly 16 percent after         is expected to close in the
to close at its lowest level    spend money elsewhere          cording to S&P Capital IQ,     regulators said they would      first quarter. The compa-
in nearly seven years. The      that they save at the          a financial data provider.     try to block a proposed         ny will be integrated into
losses were broad, with         pump or on heating bills.      After Monday’s drop, their     purchase of the com-            Linde’s U.S. subsidiary, Lin-
seven of the 10 industry        But investors have been        stocks are down 22 per-        pany by rival Staples for       care. American HomePa-
sectors in the Standard &       disappointed.                  cent since the start of the    $6.3 billion. Office Depot      tient, based in Brentwood,
Poor’s 500 index closing        “Retailers have been wait-     year.                          dropped $1.04 to $5.59.         Tennessee, specializes in
lower.                          ing for the pump-price         Among other stocks mak-        Staples fell $1.70, or nearly   respiratory therapies for
As they have all year, oil      dividend to filter into their  ing big moves:                 14 percent, to $10.66.          patients with chronic ob-
drillers bore the brunt of      stores, but for the most       —Chipotle Mexican Grill        — Stocks of gun makers          structive pulmonary dis-
the selling. Chevron and        part we’re not seeing it,”     dropped $9.45, or 1.7 per-     soared on the prospect of       ease, or COPD, and ob-
Exxon Mobil, both mem-          said Jack Ablin, chief in-     cent, to $551.75. The res-     big sales amid a push for       structive sleep apnea,
bers of the 30-stock Dow        vestment officer at BMO        taurant chain warned late      greater gun control fol-        or OSA. It employs some
Jones industrial average,       Private Bank.                  Friday that an outbreak of     lowing the San Bernardino       2,700 people in 38 states
each fell nearly 3 percent.     Meanwhile, the shift in        E. coli linked to its restau-  shootings. Smith & Wesson       and is mainly active in the
“There was a big hope           the  U.S. to producing         rants sent sales plummet-      Holding added $1.45, or         eastern U.S. Linde says the
that OPEC would an-             more oil has made the          ing by as much as 22 per-      7.6 percent, to $20.44.q        purchase, which is subject
nounce a production cut,                                                                                                      to regulatory approval, will
but it just didn’t happen,”                                                                                                   strengthen its U.S. growth
said Mizuho Securities                                                                                                        and reinforce its position in
Chief Economist Steven                                                                                                        health care.q
Ricchiuto. He added: “The
whole world is facing ex-                                                                                                      US faces $1 billion
cess supply as the global                                                                                                      in trade penalties
economy slows.”                                                                                                                for meat labeling
The Dow gave up 117.12
points, or 0.7 percent, to                                                                                                    WASHINGTON (AP) — The
17,730.51. The S&P 500 fell                                                                                                   World Trade Organization
14.62 points, or 0.7 per-                                                                                                     ruled Monday that Cana-
cent, to 2,077.07. The Nas-                                                                                                   da and Mexico can slap
daq composite dropped                                                                                                         more than $1 billion in tariffs
40.46 points, or 0.8 per-                                                                                                     on U.S. goods in retaliation
cent, to 5,101.81.                                                                                                            for meat labeling rules it
Airlines stocks were among                                                                                                    says discriminated against
the winners as investors                                                                                                      Mexican and Canadian
anticipated bigger profits                                                                                                    livestock. At issue were U.S.
                                                                                                                              labels on packaged steaks
China’s Citic Securities says can’t reach 2 senior execs                                                                      and other cuts of meat
                                                                                                                              that say where the ani-
KELVIN CHAN                     thorities but it wasn’t clear  arm, according to its web-     for illegal stock trading. The  mals were born, raised and
AP Business Writer              whether they were the          site.                          following month, the po-        slaughtered. The WTO has
HONG KONG (AP) — One            ones being investigated or     Authorities are also scruti-   lice ministry said Citic exec-  previously found that the
of China’s biggest securi-      were merely being asked        nizing two other big Chi-      utives including its general    so-called “country of ori-
ties companies said it can’t    to assist in an investigation  nese securities firms as part  manager, Cheng Boming,          gin” labeling rules put Ca-
contact its top two invest-     The two are the latest ex-     of the investigation, which    were suspected of insider       nadian and Mexican live-
ment bankers after media        ecutives to go missing         many see as an attempt         trading and leaking sensi-      stock at a disadvantage. It
reports said the pair might     from Citic as authorities      by the ruling Communist        tive information.               ruled Monday that Cana-
be under investigation.         deepen an investigation        Party to deflect blame for     The company said in a           da could impose $780 mil-
Citic Securities Co. said in a  into the company follow-       the Shanghai index’s 30        statement to the Hong           lion in retaliatory tariffs and
statement Sunday evening        ing a spectacular rout on      percent drop from its peak.    Kong stock exchange that        Mexico could impose $228
that it hasn’t been able to     China’s stock market over      State media had encour-        operations were “normal”        million. The labels, which
get in touch with Chen Jun      the summer.                    aged the public to buy         and some employees who          allow consumers to learn
and Yan Jianlin.                Chen is head of Citic’s        stocks, fueling a bubble.      were asked to help in un-       where their meat came
Financial news magazine         investment banking  busi-      In August, the official Xi-    specified preliminary in-       from, were supported by
Caixin reported Friday on       ness  while Yan is head of     nhua news agency said          vestigations have returned      U.S. ranchers who com-
its website that the two        the company’s interna-         eight Citic employees          to work, although it didn’t     pete with Canada.q
were taken away by au-          tional investment banking      were being investigated        name them.q
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