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CLASSIFIED Monday 26 June 2017
Q&A: Afraid of sharks? Flu, dOCTOR ON dUTY
Dr. Algera
asteroids pose far greater risk Tel. 588 9660
San Nicolas
Dr. Boderie
Take some beautiful Tel. 584 5155
By WILLIAM J. KOLE portraits back with you EMERGENCIA 911
Associated Press professionally taken right here
BOSTON (AP) — You might in aruba.
want a bigger boat, but Call 748 5464 or visit
you probably don’t need
better odds. _________________________________207596 POLICE 100
The confirmed return of TIME SHARES FOR SALE ORANJESTAD 527-3140
great white sharks to Cape Caribbean Palm Village STA. CRUZ 527-2900
Cod has rattled some Week 7 $ 6,500.00 SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
boaters and beachgoers. Week 26 $ 2,000.00 POLICE TIPLINE 11141
Yet the chances of an en- all are 2 bedroom all are FIRE DEPT. 115
counter involving a human Garden View FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
are infinitesimally small, email: or HOSPITAL 527-4000
and the likelihood of an at- Call: 609 775 3836 AMBULANCE 582-1234
tack resulting in serious in- IMSAN 524-8833
jury or death is smaller still. _________________________________207577 RED CROSS 582-2219
How small? With apologies TIME SHARE FOR SALE RENT
to “The Hunger Games,” Divi Phoenix Women in Difficulties
may the odds be ever in In this Sept. 13, 2012 file photo, Captain Brett McBride places 1 br 1 1/2 baths tower suite PHARMACY
your favor — because they his hand on the snout of a great white shark while scientists col- 1205, wk 26 7/1 to 8, $4500 Oranjestad:
lect blood, tissue samples and attach tracking devices on the
are. research vessel Ocearch off the coast of Chatham, Mass. divi dutch Village three rm suite Sta. Cruz Tel. 585 8028
In 2016, there were 53 un- Associated Press unit 92 to 96, 2 1/2 baths wk 26, San Nicolas
provoked shark attacks in July 1 to 8 $5700 San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
the U.S. — none fatal — A: Surfers tend to suffer the straying into Cape Cod Mill Marriott Resort 2 br suite
according to the Florida most attacks. Last year, Bay. Earlier this month, an unit 234 b/c wk 28 7/15 to 7/22 INFORMATION 118
Museum of Natural His- nearly six in 10 U.S. attacks 8-foot-long juvenile nick- $3900 TAXI-TAS 587-5900
tory’s International Shark involved someone engag- named Cisco, for the pop- PROF. TAXI 588-0035
Attack File. Thirty-two were ing in a board sport. Ex- ular brewery on Nantuck- 508 651 0016 TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
in Florida; 10 in Hawaii; four perts say that’s probably et, was detected in the ________________________________207549 SERVICE AUA 583-3232
in California; three in North because surfers spend bay near Barnstable. More TIME SHARE FOR SALE RENT A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
Carolina; two in South a lot of time in the “surf are expected in July, Au- Complete renovated
Carolina; and one each in zone” where waves are gust and September — the Divi Dutch Village CRuISe SHIP
Texas and Oregon. World- breaking — an area sharks peak months on the Cape. wk 27, pool floor studio unit
wide, there were 81 con- also tend to frequent. They There are also great white 13, all special asessment pd,
firmed attacks last year, urge bathers and others to sharks feeding off Long Is- $4200 week 26 divi Villa and
including four deaths. avoid places where seals, land, New York, and the golf unit 5509, 1 br 6/25 start
Statistically, experts say, a favorite prey for white New Jersey shore, includ- $3900 and week 29 unit 5503, June 28
you’re more likely to be sharks, congregate. ing one nicknamed Mary July 16 to 23 $3900 sale , Freewinds
killed by an asteroid than Swimmers and waders ac- Lee that’s gained celebrity rent $650 Zenith
by a shark. counted for one in three status because of its Twit- Aruba Airport 524-2424
___ attacks. ter profile managed by the 508 651 0016 American Airlines 582-2700
Q: Exactly what odds are Snorkelers and people us- nonprofit group OCEARCH. ________________________________207549 Avianca 588-0059
we talking about here? ing flotation gear figured Aruba Airlines 583-8300
A: They vary, depending on into a combined 8.6 per- Jet Blue 588-2244
where you are and what cent of all U.S. attacks. Venezolana 583-7674
you’re doing in the water. Massachusetts’ last attack Aruba Foundation
But the National Aquarium was in 2012, when a white For those Visually Incapasitated
in Baltimore says the odds shark bit a bodysurfing Tel. 582-5051
of being killed by a shark man on his legs. Even so, AL-ANON group
are one in 3.7 million. perspective is everything: Sabana Liber #8, Noord
You’re much more in dan- A 2015 Stanford University Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
ger of succumbing to the study concluded that scu- FUNDACIONS
flu (a one in 63 chance); a ba divers are nearly 7,000 Respetami
car accident (one in 90); times more likely to be hos- Tel. 582-4433
a fall (one in 218); a light- pitalized for decompres-
ning strike (one in 960,000); sion sickness than for shark Centro Diabetic Arubano
Tel. 524-8888
or even an asteroid (one bites.
in 1.6 million). University of ___ Narcotics Anonymous
Florida shark experts say Q: Where are these great Tel. 583-8989
you’re 290 times more like- whites, and how many are QUOTA Club
ly to die in a boating acci- there? Tel. 525-2672
dent than to suffer a fatal A: Biologists tracking them
shark attack, and 132 times in Massachusetts say Women in Difficulties
more likely to drown at the they’ve identified 279 indi- Foundation
beach. viduals over the past three Tel. 583-5400
___ years, most along Cape Bloodbank Aruba
Q: Are there things we do Cod’s outer Atlantic-fac- Tel. 587-0002
in the water that increase ing coastline. Increasing-
the risk? ly, though, they’ve been