Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9
LOCAL Thursday 4 May 2023
Santa Rosa organizes another Farmers Market day on May 7th
(Oranjestad)—The famous Santa Aruba. The best part is that prod- sentations about agriculture, rais-
Rose Farmers Market is back and ucts are affordable. For this com- ing cattle and fish. These presenta-
bigger with a Public Day for the ing Saturday, there will be around tion will be schedules in the morn-
community of Aruba. This is set to tents of local farmers and produc- ing up until the afternoon.
take place on May 7th at the De- ers offering fresh fruits and vege-
partment of Agriculture, Cattle and tables, as well as natural products Of course we cannot forget to
Fish Santa Rosa. for both hair and cuticles. There will mention that there will also tra-
of course also be aloe products, ditional meals for sale, inlcuding
The Santa Rosa Farmers Market sweet treats and snacks. Cabrito Stoba (Goat stew), Com-
and Public Day gather local pro- comber Stoba (Aruban cucumber
ducers that set their tents and offer During this Public Day event, the stew), Sanger Yena (Blood sau-
fresh produce to the community of public can also enjoy different pre- sages), Pisca Hasa (Fried Fish) and
much more. those who contributed their sup-
port to the department or young
Additionally, there will be fresh lo- people who are heavily involved in
cal bred meat for sale. These in- this sector.
clude pig meat and goat meat,
that will be available at the farm- The entire community of Aruba
ers market. and visitors are oficially invited
this Saturday, May 7th 2023 to visit
It is also tradition during the Santa Santa Rosa for the Farmers Market
Rosa Public Day that we give rec- and Public Day event, which starts
ognition to those who have always at 9am and ends at 2pm. Santa
contributed to the agricultural sec- Rosa is located at Piedra Plat 114A,
tor of Aruba. We also give recogni- Paradera.
tion to the “friends of Santa Rosa”,
Minister Ursell Arends introduces the seven cardinal points related
to the new regulation of Aruparking
(Oranjestad)—As mentioned in our last edition “Stop and Go,” where users who are only stay-
of Aruba Today, the Minister of Transport, Ursell ing in the down town area of Oranjestad for a
Arends, has reintroduced the system of park- short time may only pay 1 florin for 30 minutes.
ing meters through Aruparking. In a press con- 6. All yellow parking spaces are now white
ference yesterday, he announced the seven and thus open to the public. In the past, yellow
cardinal points related to the new regulation of parking spaces have caused a bit of confusion
Aruparking. among the community as well as visitors. Luckily
this time around, there will be no yellow spaces
The minister explained that the reintroduction any more.
of Aruparking came after a study conducted 7. For special permits, for example for de-
by six state companies, including Arubus, and a livery trucks dropping off products for nearby
third party company names PWC Nederland. In shops, you may contact Aruparking to obtain
this study they have analyzed not only the ad- this. This costs 150 florins, or approximately $83.
vantages and disadvantages of reintroducing Paid parking is enforced from 9am to 7pm,
parking meters, but also the desire and need from Monday to Saturday. Outside of these
for it. hours, parking spaces are completely free ev-
erywhere. In terms of marked parking spaces,
He also mentioned that there are three require- please note that these are appointed spaces
ments that are of the utmost importance when for government workers or other special users.
it comes to the regulation of parking zones,
which are “order, control and mobility.” In terms The reintroduction of Aruparking is currently only
of the seven cardinal points, the minister stated enforced in the down town Oranjestad area.
that these were created with the help of the Minister Ursell Arends has stated during the press
Board of Advisory of Arubus and management conference that Aruparking is in its first phase of
of Aruparking. He also mentioned that these reintroduction, where they will be further evalu-
points are what distinguish Aruparking from ating the experiences of users and through this,
what it used to be and what it is now. These 3. There 24 parking spaces especially re- consider if there must be additional modifica-
points are as follows: served for disabled or pregnant users, as well as tions made to the system.
1. There will no longer be wheel clams used for the elderly.
if the user has violated rules. Instead, there will 4. There are different ways to pay for your To end the conference, the minister shared his
be a team of parking officers will be checking parking space. In this new regulation, you may final message to the community of Aruba: “This
parking zones regularly. Penalties will be dealt in pay with cash at the parking or online through are the steps we are taking to reintroduce Aru-
a 75 florin ticket, or approximately $40., which accepts any type of credit card. parking, keeping in mind that this was some-
2. There are free parking zones. The is a Smart Cards are no longer used, so if you still thing that was petitioned for by the community
total of 440 free parking zones around the L.G. have money in your smart card, please contact and nearby businesses. With these new seven
Smith Boulevard area as well as around the Aruparking for an arrangement. points, I hope that this may bring the necessary
area of the Arubus bus station. 5. There is a new edition of parking called relief for regulated parking.”