Page 22 - MIN JUS 17 FEB,2016
P. 22


WORLD NEWSTuesday 16 February 2016

Colombia looking to revive legacy of guerrilla-priest 

J. GARCIA                          memory in the hopes that       ern Colombia. The rebel           Cuba with Colombia’s larg-                                   port of workers compa-
J. GOODMAN                         Torres’ journey from scion     priest was believed to have       est rebel group, the Revo-                                   rable to those of mid-cen-
Associated Press                   of an elite Bogota fam-        been secretly buried there        lutionary Armed Forces of                                    tury firebrand Jorge Eliecer
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP)              ily to outspoken advocate      by battlefield opponents          Colombia.                                                    Gaitain, whose 1948 assas-
— Camilo Torres was more           for the poor can lead to       who feared his final resting      Educated at the best                                         sination triggered Colom-
talented with the Eucharist        an eventual reintegration      place would become a pil-         schools in Bogota and Bel-                                   bia’s descent into decades
than he was with a rifle. In       of thousands of leftist reb-   grimage site.                     gium, Torres turned his back                                 of political violence.
his first firefight after joining  els who may disarm under       Santos’ move was in re-           on his elite upbringing to                                   The search for Torres’ re-
Colombia’s National Lib-           a government-brokered          sponse to a call by the           embrace Catholic libera-                                     mains recalls the 1997 dis-
eration Army in the 1960s,         peace deal. Torres’ remains    Marxist-inspired rebel group      tion theology in vogue fol-                                  covery in Bolivia of the
the Roman Catholic priest          have never been found. But     known as the ELN for a            lowing the 1959 triumph of                                   remains of Cuban revo-
turned leftist rebel was shot      last month, President Juan     Christian burial for Torres. Its  Fidel Castro’s revolution in                                 lutionary Ernesto “Che”
and killed.                        Manuel Santos ordered the      leaders have said the ges-        Cuba. Before joining the                                     Guevara, who was killed
On Monday’s 50th anniver-          removal and DNA testing of     ture could lead the group         ELN in 1965, he traveled                                     30 years earlier trying to
sary of his death, some Co-        unmarked remains from a        to join the three-year-old        across Colombia filling pla-                                 spread revolution to South
lombians are reviving the          military cemetery in north-    peace talks taking place in       zas with speeches in sup-                                    America.q

Pope slams exploitation of Mexican Indians: ‘We need you’ 

NICOLE WINFIELD                                                                                                                                                  ered under clear blue skies

SONIA PEREZ D.                                                                                                                                                   at a sports complex in the

Associated Press                                                                                                                                                 mountain city of San Cris-

SAN CRISTOBAL DE LAS CA-                                                                                                                                         tobal de las Casas.

SAS, Mexico (AP) — Pope                                                                                                                                          The soft sounds of marim-

Francis denounced the                                                                                                                                            bas accompanied the

centuries-old     exploita-                                                                                                                                      Mass, which was celebrat-

tion and social exclusion                                                                                                                                        ed in front of a replica of

of Mexico’s Indians on                                                                                                                                           the brilliant yellow and red

Monday, saying the world                                                                                                                                         facade of the San Cristob-

should instead learn from                                                                                                                                        al cathedral, where Francis

their culture and appre-                                                                                                                                         was visiting later in the day.

ciation of nature. Francis                                                                                                                                       Crowds chanted “Long

celebrated Mexico’s In-                                                                                                                                          live the pope of the poor!”

dians during a visit to the                                                                                                                                      and “Welcome, pope of

southern state of Chiapas,                                                                                                                                       the struggle!” as he arrived.

a center of indigenous                                                                                                                                           Some 500,000 faithful were

culture. He presided over                                                                                                                                        expected to see the pope

a Mass in three native lan-                                                                                                                                      in the city, including about

guages approved for use                                                                                                                                          100,000 who gathered on

recently by the Vatican                                                                                                                                          the dirt field for the Mass.

in a service that also fea-                                                                                                                                      Francis issued a sweep-

tured a traditional dance                                                                                                                                        ing apology last year for

of prayer and other indig-         Pope Francis waves to the crowd as he leaves after celebrating Mass in San Cristobal de las Ca-                               the Catholic Church’s co-
                                   sas, Mexico, Monday, Feb. 15, 2016. Francis is celebrating Mexico’s Indians on Monday with a visit
enous elements.                    to Chiapas state, a center of indigenous culture, where he will preside over a Mass in three native                           lonial-era crimes against
                                   languages thanks to a new Vatican decree approving their use in liturgy. The visit is also aimed at
In his homily, history’s first     boosting the faith in the least Catholic state in Mexico.                                                                     America’s indigenous. He

Latin American pope                                                                                                                  (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)  revisited the issue again

melded two of his core                                                                                                                                           Monday,    denouncing

concerns: appreciation for                                                                                                                                       how, “in a systematic and

indigenous cultures and                                                                                                                                          organized way,” indige-

the need to care for the           its human causes affects       before one of the great-          much to teach us,” he told                                   nous have been misunder-
                                   us all and demands our re-     est environmental crises in       the crowd of several thou-
environment. “The envi-            sponse,” Francis said. “We     world history.”                   sand indigenous, some in                                     stood and excluded from
                                   can no longer remain silent    “In this regard, you have         traditional dress, who gath-
ronmental challenge that                                                                                                                                         society over the course of

we are experiencing and                                                                                                                                          history.q

Vast luxuries found in Mexico prison after deadly riot 

PORFIRIO IBARRA                    with mini fridges, air condi-  said. It added that police        es had occurred or who al-                                   killed 49 last week.
Associated Press                   tioners, digital cable and     destroyed hundreds of al-         lowed them. Nuevo Leon                                       Special rapporteur for tor-
MONTERREY, Mexico (AP)             aquariums. There were 280      tars to the Death Saint —         Gov. Jaime Rodriguez said                                    ture Juan Mendez said in
— Vast luxuries such as sau-       food and grocery stands        some of them life-size. The       last week that 60 hammers,                                   statement that the govern-
nas, a bar, food stands and        where inmates could buy        folk figure is revered by drug    86 knives and 120 shivs                                      ment must guarantee that
appliances were discov-            goods.                         traffickers and some peo-         were used in the melee.                                      the victims’ families know
ered by authorities entering       The riot broke out Thursday    ple among the downtrod-           The prison’s director, su-                                   what happened during the
a prison in northern Mexico        between two rival factions     den. “We knew about all of        perintendent and a guard                                     Thursday riot at the Topo
to investigate a riot that         of the Zetas drug cartel.      the irregularities that exist-    have been arrested on                                        Chico prison in the northern
killed 49 inmates.                 Heavy machinery was            ed, arbitrary acts, abuses,       murder charges.                                              city of Monterrey.
Nuevo Leon state authori-          brought in to haul away        taxes,” Gen. Cuauhtemoc           On Monday, a United Na-                                      The investigation should
ties said in a statement           tons of contraband furni-      Antunez, the state’s secu-        tions official called on Mex-                                identify those responsible
late Sunday that the cells         ture and other goods that      rity secretary, said in the       ico’s government to con-                                     and include reparations for
inside Monterrey’s Topo            authorities had piled in the   statement. Authorities did        duct an exhaustive investi-                                  the victims’ relatives, Men-
Chico prison were outfitted        prison yard, the statement     not say how long the abus-        gation of a prison riot that                                 dez said.q
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