Page 11 - Homecare Homebase: Rehab Training Manual
P. 11
For the Add-On evaluation, the intervention/ goals section will contain DEFAULT interventions and goals that may or may not be
applicable for the patient. As mentioned earlier, the intervention/ goals section for subsequent visits will be determined by the
Pathways that the clinician created (as discussed in the previous section) “customized” for the patient. Consequently, this default
intervention and goals section in the Add-On evaluation may be redundant to what the clinician already entered in the Pathways.
The objective in this section is to ensure the default interventions/goals DO NOT carry over to the subsequent visits.
Click on each item, then select either Provided, or Not Provided (NOTE: In order for the visit to be billable, the clinician must
provide at least ONE intervention). Click on Add Required Details to either manually enter the intervention details, or choose
prepared details.
Next, enter the goal for the intervention as either Met, or Not Met. If choosing Not Met, the clinician will be required to enter a
reason. Choosing a RED reason will prevent this intervention from carrying over to subsequent visits: Remember, you do not
want these default intervention/ goals to carryover. Choosing the goal as MET will also prevent it from carrying over.