Page 22 - Homecare Homebase: Rehab Training Manual
P. 22

HHA Order Update

        CLINICIAN add a physician order for HHA Frequency change if number of days is increasing or decreasing (Physician
        order is NOT required for any change is hours) and updates calendar
        CLINICIAN adds Coordination note (HHA Order) to indicate HHA hours to primary and secondary payor (if applicable)
        CLINICIAN syncs HCHB
        CLINICIAN Notifies CFM to obtain approval
        CLINICIAN calls Contract Admin to update HHA Order
        CLINICIAN provides Contract Admin the following information:
            1)  Staff ID
            2)HCHB MRN
        CLINICIAN provides Contract Admin the updated Order information.
        *If Split Bill, number of hours billed to primary payor and Secondary Payor if applicable
        CLINICIAN ends call.

        HHA Order Discharge

        CLINICIAN ends HHA services earlier than initial POC order
        CLINICIAN creates physician order and removes reminder of HHA visits from calendar
        CLINICIAN syncs
        CLINICIAN calls Contract Admin to end HHA Order
        CLINICIAN provides Contract Admin the following information:
            1)  Staff ID
            2)  HCHB MRN
        CLINICIAN tells Contract Admin to end HHA services for patient.
        CLINICIAN ends call

        DME – Ordered through Parachute

            •  Order DME via  Patient name/demographics will flow over from HCHB to Parachute.
            •  Obtain log-in/password via the Helpdesk (212-290-3555, Option 1), if needed.
            1.  When DME/equipment needs to be picked-up, user (office or field) will enter a comment in the DME/equipment
               order in Parachute to indicate that the DME/equipment needs to be picked-up.
            2.  The vendor will initiate the pick-up process when they see this comment in Parachute. (Vendors are expected to
               monitor the communications/comments functions within Parachute.  Vendors are contractually obligated to do
               the pick-up within 24 hours of notification).
            3.  Vendor will add comment in Parachute once the DME/equipment has been picked-up.
            4.  Payment for the returned DME/equipment will terminate on the discharge date that comes from HCHB through
               the interface.

        Recertification Process

            •  10 days prior to EOE, a recert/dc decision workflow is generated to the CFM.
            •  When the recert decision is made:
                   o  CFM writes a “Need for Continued Care” coordination note.
                   o  Scheduler applies Recert (02) service code.
                   o  Clinician completes the Recert (02) visit and plots the visits for the new episode.
                   o  Clinicians syncs

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