Page 28 - Homecare Homebase: Rehab Training Manual
P. 28

After the changes are requested in the office, a new field will appear at the top of the Rolling Calendar screen of the
        PointCare device, at the time of the next sync. This new field is labeled OASIS Alerts, and includes the number of
        requested modifications as below.
               •  The client’s name along with date of the original visit and the service code will display.
               •  The rows will show the oldest visit date at the top.
               •  The alert will display regardless of the status of the client’s episode.

        Each alert will require that the assessing clinician Accept or Decline all proposed changes.
               •  Accept All Changes button - An Accept All feature is prominently displayed at the top of the list. If this
                   button is tapped, each item will show as Accepted.

               •  Accept – An Optional Comments field is also available but not required. This field allows up to 2500
                   characters. Any comments or explanations can be entered into this field.

               •  Decline – When declining a change, user must also select Declined Reason from the list and enter
                   something into the Description field.

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