Page 15 - Rehab Orientation Manual 12.26.19
P. 15


               Medicare has covered home care services since 1963.

               OASIS – Outcome Assessment Information Set
                  1.  A standardized set of questions which all certified home care agencies must use
                  2.  It is a tool to measure outcomes and determines payment of home care services (PPS)

               PPS – Prospective Payment System
                  1.  This system is a fixed sum payment.
                  2.  Home care services is based on a 60-day episode of care. Re-certification constitutes a new
                      episode of care.
                  3.  The payment for all home care services is based on a fixed rate per 30-day payment period.
                      There can be up to two payment periods within a 60-day episode of care.
                  4.  The OASIS assessment provides a HIPPS score, which determines the amount of payment
                      for the episode of care.
                          a.  Individual characteristics are divided into clinically meaningful domains.

               HIPPS Code –
                   1.  Responses to specific OASIS questions are organized into 5 domains which produce the
                       HIPPS code:
                          1.  Admission Source: Institutional vs. Community
                          2.  Timing: Early vs Late
                          3.  Clinical Grouping: Based on the primary reason for Home Health services
                          4.  Functional Impairment Status: Low vs. Medium vs. High
                                     Affected by patient’s level of assist for:
                                           Grooming
                                           Upper Body Dressing
                                           Lower Body Dressing
                                           Bathing
                                           Toilet Transferring
                                           Transferring
                                           Ambulation/ Locomotion
                                           Risk for Hospitalization
                          5. Comorbidity Adjustment; None vs. Low vs. High
                   2.  Each domain has an impact on reimbursement and should be considered during utilization
                   3.  There are 432 case-mix weights/codes.

               PPS has payment variations
                   1.  LUPA: Low Utilization Payment Adjustment- 30-day periods with a low number of visits are
                       not case-mix adjusted (paid for the entire 30-day period), but instead paid on a per-visit
                         a.  LUPA thresholds are variable dependent upon HIPPS code and currently ranges
                             between 1-5 visits per 30-day period.

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