Page 21 - Rehab Orientation Manual 12.26.19
P. 21
Demonstrate understanding of the agency’s visit documentation, policies and procedures via class
participation, written exercises, and actual field visits.
By New York State Department of Health standards, any certified home health agency must
conduct onsite clinical co-visits with all staff.
1. At VNSNY, you will have an orientation co-visit within 14 - 21 days of starting work. A
Rehab Senior Therapist or Rehab Clinical Manager (RCM) will observe that you are
practicing appropriately and safely, using Standard Precautions and bag technique.
2. Mandatory annual clinical co-visit(s) will be conducted thereafter.
3. Other clinical co-visits may be conducted if results of charts reviews, patient complaints, or
other issues of concern arise.
4. At any time that you feel a clinical co-visit would be beneficial for your knowledge and skills
or patient condition, you can request a co-visit.
5. There will be an annual performance evaluation by your manager.
In addition, each regional office conducts many quality improvement functions including: random
chart reviews of active patients, contacting patients to determine that visits are made consistent with
prescribed frequency and duration, reviewing sample managed care reports, auditing notes for
compliance with patient signature and/or treatment time standards, etc. You will receive feedback
from your manager if you are randomly chosen in any of these processes and there may be follow-
up training or co-visits to ensure your compliance with VNSNY standards.
You are expected to take an active role (i.e. calling scheduling and assignments unit when available
to take new cases) in meeting productivity expectations. Your productivity will be monitored
regularly by your manager.
Staff meetings are held on a regular basis in order to enhance communication, disseminate relevant
information and discuss departmental issues. Attendance is mandatory for all therapists. If you
are unable to attend your team’s meeting, inform your manager ASAP and you will be allowed to
attend another team’s meeting.
1. Document for each visit. One visit, one note.
2. ALL tablet NOTES are due completed and signed as soon as possible. You will be unable to
document a new visit note if you have unsigned notes for that patient.
3. Be sure to send in any paperwork, such as HEP, SOC paperwork, etc. ASAP
4. Payment for visits are generated or calculated towards productivity measures through pen
tablet data entered.