Page 33 - Rehab Orientation Manual 12.26.19
P. 33

Contacting the patient
                          o  You can obtain the patient’s contact number in medical records after syncing.
                          o  Contact patient by close of business on day of acceptance, or ASAP.
                          o  Give them a 2-hour window at most regarding your appointment time.
                          o  Keep in mind that patients and families have adjustments coming home from the
                              hospital and may feel overwhelmed.  Furthermore, several VNSNY employees are
                              attempting to see the patient as soon as possible also.  Be sensitive to patient and
                              family needs when scheduling the promised first visit and extend the courtesy of a
                              quick contact with the patient.

               **Weekly Maintenance**

               Every Wednesday, you are advised to update your PointCare database by going to Maintnenance,
               and clicking on Selective Refresh, and Valet. This process is for optimization, and will download
               any updates to the system. (Note: When doing a Selective Refresh, make sure to “select all” tables).
               The system will periodically prompt you to perform various maintenance tasks when needed.

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