Page 229 - IELTS Preparation Grammar and Vocab
P. 229

Relationships  37

       FE   Read the text again and find words which match these definitions.
          a strong state which is unlikely to change or fail (paragraph 1)
                                                          V    Vocabulary note
          trustworthy and reliable (paragraph 2)
                                                           The usual form of nouns from
        3 	                                                phrasal verbs is: verb + particle:
          not favouring one side in a disagreement (paragraph 3)
                                                           Communications broke down between
                                                           the parties.
        1.4   Now complete these sentences using words and phrases from   There was a breakdown in
        1.2 and 1.3.                                       communication.
                                                           The rocket is due to lift off at 5.30 this
       1 	                                                 afternoon.
          Adults often have to perform   a. balanung act    between looking
          after their children and caring for their ageing parents.
                                                           Liftoff is at 5.30 this afternoon.
       2 	                               between what students   Another form these nouns take is:
          Money from parents often
          can earn and what they need to pay out.          particle + verb:
       3   My best friend is thoroughly   . She's always there   The disease broke out in the poorest part
          when I need her.                                 of the city. The outbreak started in the
                                                           poorest part of the city.
       4 	                                                 Here are some more examples:
          My brother and I never really got on very well. We were constantly
                                                           set out/from the outset,  take in /this
       5 	                                      which      year's intake, cry out /a public outcry
          Parents and grandparents provide the
          children need in their early years.
          Parents should not take sides in their children's disputes. They should remain
       Eal Which of these verbs from paragraphs 4 and shave similar meanings? Use the text to help you.
        appease appreciate doubt erode impart inform
        instil question recognise soothe   teach   weaken
       appease - soothe
        1.6   COLLOCATION   Which of the adjectives in each box CANNOT replace the word in italics in the
       sentence below it? Why?

       1   idyllic troubled traumatic turbulent
                                                 close-knit dysfunctional loving supportive
         The siblings have some behavioural problems   I'm lucky to have a strong family, who'll always be
         which are thought to result from their difficult   there for me.

         An idyllic   Chii4U100CL CI.965  not cause
                                              4   committed solid stable uneasy
                                                They told me that the success of their marriage
       2 middle-class privileged tough sheltered   came from their secure relationship.
         My comfortable upbringing meant there were a lot   5  concerned   distraught pushy worried
         of survival skills for me to learn when I left home.
                                                I was met at the hospital by my anxious parents,
                                                who suddenly seemed very old and fragile.

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