Page 236 - IELTS Preparation Grammar and Vocab
P. 236

Exam practice

                                    China on a shoestring?
        You can probably manage on less than 30 euros per   If you go all the way to China, make sure you do as
        day.To do this, you'll have to look for the lowest fares   much as possible, instead of constantly looking for
        on buses or trains and stay in hostels or budget hotels,   the least expensive ways of doing things. Obviously
        of which there are many in southwest China.Taking   organised trips cost a little more than doing everything
        the train is the best way of getting from one big city   yourself, but I think you have a better experience.
        to the next, but buses are more economicalThere are   The travel reps are very efficient and want to make
        buses you can sleep on for long journeys — but having   sure you get a good impression of the places you
       said that, they're pretty uncomfortable. One thing I   visit. As everything's set up in advance, you avoid
       can't stress enough: you'll miss out on the real China   misunderstandings and difficulties which can arise if
       if you fly. Getting off the beaten track is best done   you're trying to make arrangements in an unknown
       by other means. However, in rural areas the language   language.
       barrier was a challenge for me. I'm only sorry I wasn't
       able to converse more effectively.
                                               Compared with travel in Europe, the cost of public
                                               transport in Chinese cities is incredibly cheap. In
       I'd always liked the thought of being a solo traveller,   the capital, Beijing, for example, it only costs the
       but I think I'd probably had a better time going on   equivalent of 30 cents to travel by underground
       something organised. My travel and accommodation   anywhere in the city If you buy what they call a "pass",
       cost about a hundred pounds a week, then there was   you can travel around the city, but it can also be used
       food and flights to China on top of that. Once I'd   to pay for public phones, for taxi fares or even to buy
       paid, I didn't have to worry about money or anything   things in supermarkets. In many cities, taxis are a real
       else and I had people to share the experience with. I'd   option for travellers on a tight budget. If you share
       really recommend this option if you are in the same   with other tourists, it can be cheaper than taking
       position. Our guide was a native speaker but fluent in   the bus. If you intend to go out at night, there may
       English. He accompanied us everywhere and made   be night buses, but taxis are the most likely choice of
       everything so easy for the group.       transport, although some private citizens offer a taxi
                                               service in their private cars.These are often cheaper
                                               than taxis, but if you use them, you may be in danger,
       Beijing seems really expensive to start with, but you
                                               and you should remember that taking a "black taxi" is
       soon find out how to get by on a budget and still eat
                                               actually forbidden in China.
       well — the restaurants near the station are a good place
       to start. If you're going to travel around China by
       train, I'd suggest that you buy your ticket in advance,
       especially if you want to travel on a public holiday.
       And if you choose the cheaper seats, you'll be sure to
       get acquainted with the real Chinese.! can guarantee
       that they'll be interested in you. I've heard that you
       can travel pretty cheaply by plane these days, but I
       don't feel like I missed out. I would not have come
       into contact with so many locals if I had prioritised my
       own comfort whilst travelling.
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