Page 254 - IELTS Preparation Grammar and Vocab
P. 254

43  Personal contact

      Ina Complete each question with a suitable word from 1.4 and then answer them with your own ideas.
        How can you establish your 	online?
        Have you met anyone that you share a 	with online?
      3 	                                                for themselves online?
        What problems have arisen from people creating new
      4 	                                 when you use social networking sites?
        Is it possible to lose touch with
       1.6   Match the phrases in italics to their definitions.

          former friend of the actor has revealed details of the star's personal life to the tabloid press.
        Loads of childhood friends that I haven't seen for years have added me to their list of contacts.
        The director is a personal friend of mine. If I recommend you, he's bound to help you out.
        A true friend would have trusted me with the money without asking what it was for!
        He hasn't called since I had the accident. He turned out to be a bit of a fair-weather friend really.
        I got chatting to a woman on the train and we realised we had several mutual friends in the area.
      a A friend you knew in your schooldays.
                                                                Vocabulary note
      b Someone two people both have friendships with

                                                            Some informal synonyms for
        A friend who disappears when you have problems.
                                                            friend are mate, buddy and pal.
        A friend you socialise with outside work.
                                                            befriend = deliberately make
      e Someone you have ended a friendship with  	         friends with someone:
                                                            He befriended me   on my first day
        A friend who is loyal, supportive and dependable.
      f 	                                                   at school
         Letter writing
                                                           V    Vocabulary note
      no   Answer these questions about writing letters.
                                                            pick up the phone = answer:   The
        When was the last time you wrote a letter? What kind of letter was it?
      1 	                                                   phone rang, but when I picked it up
      2 	                                                   there was no one there.
        Have you ever sent or received these types of letter? Put a (i).
                                                            pick up a disease = catch:   I picked
        a thank-you letter      a letter of condolence
                                                            up a stomach bug on holiday.
        a letter of resignation   a handwritten letter
                                                            pick up a language = learn: I picked
        an apology              a love letter               up quite a few words of Italian when
                                                            I was on holiday in Rome.
        a complaint             a poison-pen letter
                                                            pick someone up = collect
      3 	                                                   somebody in a motor vehicle:
        What is the difference between these types of written document?
                                                            Would you like me to pick you up
       letter memo   note  card petition  invoice   diary   from the airport?
      Ffl   05-5-1   Listen to someone talking about letter writing and answer these questions.
        What does the speaker believe were some of the positive aspects of letter-writing?
        What other methods of communication does he mention?

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