Page 13 - Modul Engslish For Nursing
P. 13
A. Reducing Pain
Getting Started
Therapeutic Communication
The nurse-patient relationship is crucial in healthcare since it facilitates
the effectiveness of patient care. To grow the relationship, therapeutic
communication is helpful.
Watch the video on therapeutic communication provided and give a tick
No. Actions Do
1. Nurses create some interactions with patients and their families allowing
them to share feelings and thoughts.
2. Nurses do not need to make patients to give more responses.
3. Nurses ask simple Yes/ No questions to promote discussion with patients.
4. Nurses must show empathy when giving comments.
5. Nurses ask and assess emotions to collect information.
6. Nurses must not
The Four Phases of Therapeutic Communication
Implementing therapeutic communication appropriately based on each phase
There are four phases in therapeutic communication namely pre-interaction, orientation,
working, and termination. Each stage is crucial in building nurse-patient relationships to
promote effective patient care.
Discuss with your partner and categorize the actions listed in the appropriate phase.
e. performing i. making a treatment plan m. summarizing the
emotions and concerns introductions achieved goals
b. reviewing the medical f. planning the interaction j. gathering and identifying n. practicing problem-
history and preparing tools data solving and coping skills
c. identifying any personal g. exploring thoughts, and k. addressing final o. setting treatment goals
biases on patients feelings about the patients concerns or questions and expectations
d. establishing rapport h. suggesting necessary l. developing care plan p. reviewing the progress
care transitions
pg. 3