P. 103


                  Discussion                  WRITING A CONCLUSION

                       In writing a conclusion, you have to include:

                            A summary of your research findings/ results

                              Just  as  the  introduction  gives  a  first  impression  to  your  reader,  the

                              conclusion offers a chance to leave a lasting impression. Do this, for
                              example, by highlighting key findings in your analysis or result section.

                            The implications of your study
                              Don't be shy. The conclusion offers you the opportunity to elaborate on

                              the impact and significance of your findings.

                            The recommendations for future research
                              This  does  not  refer  to  introducing  new  information  (which  should  be

                              avoided), but to offer new insight and creative approaches for framing
                              or contextualizing  the research problem based on  the  results of  your

                              study. It is recommendations for action or overview of future research

                       It  is  best  to  write  your  conclusion  in  a  clear,  concise,  and  simple  way  to

                      convince some essential message from your research. Do not simply reiterate
                      your  results  or  the  discussion  of  your  results.  Provide  a  synthesis  of

                      arguments presented in the paper to show how these converge to address the
                      research problem and the overall objectives of your study.

                                                               Adapted from:

                      To write your conclusion:

                         -  Use past tense for restatements;;;
                         -  Use past tense for stating your main findings/
                         -  Use present for recommendations

                                                    To start your conclusion, these expressions

                                                    are helpful:
                                                    On the whole                In brief
                                                    After all                   In short
                                                    By and large                All in all
                                                    As can Be Seen              As has been noted
                                                    To sum up                   Given these points
                                                    In the final analysis       In essence
             100                                    As shown above              In a word
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