Page 126 - MAndarin_Neat
P. 126

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                New Practical Chinese Reader  Workbook 1

                                                   A Summary of Spelling Rules

                          (1) i andy
                              i  ¢   y
                              examples: ia - ya           ie - ye       ian - yan        iang -yang
                                         iao-yao          iou - you     iong - yong
                              i  ¢  yi
                              Examples: i - yi         in-yin          ing ~ ying

                          (2) u and w
                              u  ¢  w
                              Examples: ua - wa                uan-wan
                                          uo-wo                uen - wen
                                          uai - wai            uang- wang
                                          uei-wei              ueng - weng
                              u  ¢  wu
                              Examples: u - wu

                          (3) U andy
                              U  ¢  yu
                              Examples:  U - yu        Ue - yue       Uan  ~ yuan      Un  ~ yun
                              U and initials n,  I:
                              I + U - IU        example:       I u ~* (green)
                              n + U - nU        example:       nu *(female)
                          (4) -iu, -ui, -un

                                                                            pfjiu  ~)fJi(beer)
                                                         I iu
                              Initial +  uei  - Initial +  ui   example:  gulxlng1[-k£.
                                                                            taolunitit- (to discuss)
                          ( 5) The position of tone marks
                              The tone marks are placed on vowels in the sequence  ua-o-e-i-u-0"
                              For example:
                              Wang xionsher;g hen hao.
                              Women dou hen mang.
                              Nfn shl Jionada liuxues:1eng rna?
                          The finals iou  and uei  are simplified to -iu and -ui  when they are combined
                          with initials. Tone marks required by these two finals are':placed over the last
                          vowel. For example: liu (*),  gulxlng (1[-k£.).

                          ( 6) Syllable-dividing marks  u  '"
                              Exarilples:  Tian 'an. Men it.-* f1  (Tian'anmen)
                                          XT' 6u ~ ~ (Western Europe)
                                                  --··                 _,.. ..
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