Page 39 - MAndarin_Neat
P. 39
-~· ji:.ft.EIA 37
Le.sson3 Which COW\'h-)! does she. come ft"'M?
~ (you'erdaor, the "right-ear" side) ~ ~ 2 strokes
!] (nazlp6ngr, the "that" side) 7 =J ~ f) 4 strokes
(5) }J~ no
}J~-+ JJ + ~ 6 strokes
(6) II}J~ no 9 strokes
ll}J~ -+ 11 + 11~ (The meaning side is " o ", and the phonetic side is "~".)
(7) ~ no 9 strokes
~ -+ j + 11~ (The meaning side is""* ", and the phonetic side is"~". )
~ (laozlt6ur, the "old" top) - ~ ..:L .jt- 4 strokes
rp Uinzlr, the "towel" character) 1 n ~ 3 strokes
y (shizlp6ngr, the "teacher" side) 1 y 2 strokes
(8) ~ dou
~-+% + ~ 10 strokes
(9) ;t-g;p laoshi ( ;t-~)
;;t-+~ + ~ 6 strokes
Yili-+9 +- + rf1 6 strokes
r:J (gu6zlkuangr, the "country" frame" (.1" denotes the boundary of a country.)
na 3 strokes
( 10) ~ [jJ Zh6nggu6 ( ~ lfJ )
gj-+r:J+..£. 8 strokes
C (quzlkuangr, the "district" frame) - C. 2 strokes
(11 ) lK 1.. yisheng ( -f 1..)
JK -+ C + ~ ( - -r -,:: ~ "¥- ~ IK ) 7 strokes
(12) }l_ shl
ll_ -+ a + J:f_ 9 strokes