Page 7 - MAndarin_Neat
P. 7

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                                                                              Lesson 1  How do )!Oc.t do~       5

           II  ggp-      The four tones

                            ,          v
                  a         a          a           a
                             ,           v
                   ni       nr         n1          n1
                   hao      h6o        hao         hao        nl  hao

                  li        II         II          n
                   b6       b6         b6          bo         Llb6

                   lin      lin        lin         lin
                  no        na         na          na         Un  no
                  10        lu         lu          lu
                              ,          v
                   yu       yu         yu          yu
                  ping      p1ng                              Lu  Yupfng
                  w6                   w6          wo

                            hen        hem                    w6  hen  hao

                  ye        ye                                ye  hen  hao
                 .......................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................

           II mir  Sound discrimination

                ba--pa                         nu -- nu                     wu--       hv
                (eight)    (lie on one's       (female)  (to exert)         (five)     (tiger)
                bing-- bin                     pie -- bie                   hu6 -- w6
                (ice)        (guest)           (left-falling  (shrivelled)   (fire)     (I)

                        Tone discrimination

                ma -- ma                       mu--mu                       yi -- yf
                (horse)    (mom)               (wood)     (mother)          (one)     (atmt)

                ye--ye                         n -- n                       men--men
                (also)    (night)              (strength)  (in)             (door)      (depressed)

           II  Fi3tifcJ  Third-tone sandhi

                nl hao          hen hao           ye hao          ye hen hao

           DJ  Mi~l'J~l.l~ffli.B-        Read the following classroom expressions aloud

                Nl  hao.                       Nlmen hao.
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12