Page 70 - MAndarin_Neat
P. 70

ChJ,ese People's Dai~ Meals

                      Chinese believe  food is the pal"amoW'\t necessitz:' of the people", thel"efol"e 1  they eat
                  abtndant food in thei.- daily meals.
                      Chinese diffel" in theil" eating habits dCAe  to the vast tel"l"ito.-y of this cot-\nt.-y.

                  t-lowevel" 1  ~el"ally speaking, nol"thel"''\ee"S al"e keen on wheaten food, while sOL-\theme.-s
                  al"e pal"tial to cooked l"ice.  Tl"aditional Chinese food inclt-\des gi"1Ael,  wonton h'lanfou
                  (steamed b..ead), baozi (steamed twisted l"oll), youflao (deep p-ied twisted dOL-\gh stick),

                  shaobing (sesame seed cake) 1  ee95 and soybean milk; il'\ some othel" places, people eat
                  noodles 1 1'r!i{en  (l"ice-Bo!.-\1" noodles), fang):'Uan  (dt-\1'1'\plings made of glt-\tinOCAS  l"ice BOL-\1") and
                 jianbing (fl"ied pancake .. oiled ~AP in egg filling) instead. Mol"eove.-, each food in itself is

                  l"ich i1'\  val"ietz:'. Most SOL-\theme.-s eat cooked ..-ice and sOL-\p  fo.- theil" I~Anch and S!Appe1" 1
                  while nodhel"nee"S' favol"ite is wheaten food. Cooked v~tables, which al"e liked by both

                  so~Athel"nei"S and no..thel"ne..-s,  al"e val"iot-\5 be'tond co~Ant. Besides eating cooked l"ice 1
                  wheaten food and cooked vegetables 1  in some othel" places 1  people al"e !.-\Sed  toea~
                  gl"t--el instead.
                       Nowadays 1  as people's pace of life  coVltint-\eS  to il'lcl"ease 1  besides the tl"aditioVlal

                  ChiV\ese food 1  maV\y people choose fast aV\d  Col'\venient Westei"V\ food fol" bl"eakfast 1
                  S~Ach as b..ead al'\d milk; they also begiV\ to eat  Westei"Vlized fast food fol" kch, S~Aeh as
                  McDonald aV\d KFC Since people enjoy theil" S!Appel" time with theil" family m~ei"S and
                  have mol"e time to p1"epal"e 1  they cook food they like.

                       With the development of Chinese econow,y 1  il'\ most places 1  people cal'\ not only eVljoy
                  Chinese dishes l"ich in local Bavol" 1  bt also can  taste food th..-01.-\gho~At the wol"ld, S~Ach as
                  that il'\  Westem COW'\tl"ies 3apan 1  Ko.-ea and So~Atheast .Asia . .As a  l"eS~Ait 1  thei..- daily
                  meals al"e gl"eatel" i"' p~"ofusion.

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