Page 49 - Modul Academic Writing
P. 49
… Practice …
Here is excerpt from Scottish tradition of second sight and other psychic
experiences in families by Shari Ann Cohn (1996). Fill the gaps with the word
in the bracket and decide the appropriate tenses (Past tense or Present tense).
To find the frequency of second sight in the general
population, a large-scale mail survey using random sampling
methods ………………… (BE) undertaken in different areas of
Scotland. Second sight ………………. (BE) generally regarded
as being more prominent in the Western Isles and Highlands
of Scotland than elsewhere. However, the survey data
………………….. (SHOW) this ………………….. (not, BE) the
case - the phenomenon ……….…………… (OCCUR) in all
areas of Scotland. Nor ………………. (BE) having a family
background from the Highlands and Western Isles a strong
predictor of having second sight. Throughout Scotland,
people who …………………….... (REPORT) having second sight
…………………… (BE) significantly more likely to report
second sight in blood-related family members. This
………………. (GIVE) empirical support to the traditional belief
that second sight ….………….. (RUN) in families.
Taken from Grammar for Academic Writing, 2013
In Result section, chart/diagram/graph/table is usually used to give a clear
picture. However, those are still to be described. There are several words or
phrases that are important to use when describing them to avoid repetitive