Page 25 - LEVEL 2_Neat
P. 25

WRITING: Writing a Dialogue

                   A.  Pair work. Choose one of the cities below that you like to visit. Write a simple dialogue with
                      your friend using modal “would” and “could” in inviting your friend to go on a trip to the city.
                      Invite your friend to do some activities in that city. Practice the dialogue.

                      Budi      : Hi there Edo, Would you like to go to Jakarta with me next weekend?
                      Edo       : Hi! Umm OK. What are the things I need to prepare?
                      Budi      : Ah great! Could you bring some snacks?
                      Edo       : ………… (continue)

                            Bandung                         Medan                         Surabaya
                             Malang                          Papua                       Yogyakarta
                               Palu                          Klaten                          NTT

                  Write your dialogue here:

                  ___________  :  ____________________________________________________________________

                  ___________  :  ____________________________________________________________________
                  ___________  :  ____________________________________________________________________
                  ___________  :  ____________________________________________________________________
                  ___________  :  ____________________________________________________________________
                  ___________  :  ____________________________________________________________________
                  ___________  :  ____________________________________________________________________

                           WORD POWER: Adjectives to Describe Places

                      So-so /ˌsoʊˈsoʊ/                            Boring /ˈbɔː.rɪŋ/

                      = between good quality and low quality      = not interesting or exciting
                      Exotic /ɪgˈzɒt.ɪk/                          Wonderful /ˈwʌn.də.f ə l/
                        = unusual and often exciting              = extremely good

                         Lively /ˈlaɪ                        Excellent /ˈek.s ə l. ə nt/
                        = having or showing a lot of energy       = extremely good
                        Amazing / əˈmeɪ.zɪŋ /                     Enjoyable /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ.ə.bl ̩/
                      = very surprising                           = event or experience gives you pleasure

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