Page 10 - Vargo Mari. - Speak Now 4 Student's Book
P. 10

3  Language ffimms"il-*r
              A Notice the different ways we ask about significant  experiences  and talk about important events.

                                                       It is one of the most exciting things l've ever done.
                      I hearthat
                                you just moved.        It turned  out to be the best thing that ever
                (Ana)tells  me that
                                                       happened to me.
                 Oh, that reminds me, (Ana tells me that you  It's the best decision l've ever made.
                 just  moved).                         It was one of the biggest challenges  l've ever faced.

         @    A F&*ffi 3&s*ffi${  Take turns asking and talking about  an important  event in your life.

           +  Listenimg
        :or  @ n  Listen. Write the correct name under each picture.

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        ::r  @ e  Listen again.  Mark the statements T (true)  or F (false). Then compare  your answers with a partner.

                    1. Clara wants to be a teacher.        3. Victor  is studying to become  a baker.
              -       Alex lost his  lob  last month.  -   4. Larissa got married last year.  -

              -2.                                    -

           SPEAK withCONFIDENCE

         Q    n   p&€ffi  t&{*&K  Completeeach  story belowwith yourown idea.Thinkof
                            the most exciting  and challenging  things you can. Then
                             share  and respond to stories with your partner.

              1. I faced a challenge.

              2. I overcame  an obstacle.

              .). I took a risk. I made the decision

         f    e  s*#*P !#*6aK Join another  pair and share and respond  to stories.
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