Page 40 - TOEFL Preparation Series _ Listening Comprehension
P. 40
EXERCISE 15: In this exercise, underline the condition in each short conversation. Then,
read the question and choose the best answer to that question. Remember that the best
answer is one that implies the opposite of what is said.
1. (man) Are you going to have something to eat? (A) She is not going to eat.
(woman) If the food looked fresh, I would eat some. (B) The food looks fresh.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) She doesn't like fresh food.
(D) She already ate something.
2. (woman) The flight must have taken longer than usual. (A) It arrived early.
(man) Had the flight left on time, we would not have (B) It was unusually short.
arrived so late. (C) It left on time.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN SAY about THE FUGHT? (D) It departed late.
3. (man) Are you sure you want to go out? You do not (A) She really is feeling fine.
seem to be feeling very well. (B) There is plenty of aspirin in
(woman) If there were some aspirin in the medicine the medicine cabinet.
cabinet, I would not need to go to the drugstore. (C) It is necessary to get some
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? aspirin.
(D) She does not need to go out.
TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 14-15): In this exercise, listen carefully to the short conversation
and qu~stion on the tape, and then choose the best answer to the question.
~J Now begin the tape at Toefl Exercise (Skills 14-15).
1. (A) She enjoys violent movies. 6. (A) They filled up the gas tank at the last
(B) She would have preferred a more service station.
violent movie. (B) Although they filled up the tank, they
(C) She thinks the film was too violent. still ran out of gas.
(D) She enjoyed the movie. (C) Even though they didn't stop at the
service station, they didn't run out
2. (A) He left the windows open. of gas.
(B) The rain did not get in. (D) They ran out of gas because they
(C) He forgot to close the windows. didn't stop at the gas station.
(D) The rain got into the house.
7. (A) His schedule is not really heavy.
3. (A) Her family is unable to come to (B) He needs to add a few more courses.
graduation. (C) He enrolled in more courses than he
(B) It is possible that her family will really wants.
come. (D) He will register for a lot of courses
(C) Her parents are coming to the next semester.
(D) She is not graduating this year. 8. (A) She never took the bus to work.
(B) She regularly takes the bus.
4. (A) He is going to miss the conference. (C) She doesn't know how to get to
(B) He will take his vacation next week. work.
(C) He will attend the conference. (D) She gets lost on the bus.
(D) He won't miss his vacation.
9. (A) She bought some eggs at the store.
5. (A) He enjoys chemistry lab. (B) She doesn't have any eggs to lend
(B) He doesn't have chemistry lab this him.
afternoon. (C) He can borrow some eggs.
(C) He isn't taking chemistry class. (D) She didn't go to the store.
(D) He has to go to the lab.