Page 71 - TOEFL Preparation Series _ Listening Comprehension
P. 71
Listening comprehension
TOEFL EXERCISE 6: In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and
question on the recording, and then choose the best answer to the question. You
should be particularly careful of who is doing what.
1 (A)The passenger waited at the 6 (A)The manager went to the
corner. supply room.
(B)The passenger looked for a taxi (B)The clerk set supplies on the
at the corner. floor.
(C)The cab driver waited for the (C)The clerk went to the supply
passenger. room at the manager's request.
(D)The passenger cornered the (D)The clerk backed into the
waiting taxi driver. manager in the supply room.
2 (A)It was hard for her to hear Jane 7 (A)The librarian was quite reserved
last night. with the students for two days.
(B)Jane gave a harp recital last (B)Within two days the librarian
night. had the books for the students.
(C)Jane was playing hard while she (C)The librarian reserved the
was hurt. books for the students.
(D)She played the harp last night (D)The students put the books on
for Jane. hold for two days.
3 (A)The baby sister went to bed 8 (A)The chairman decided that Tony
quite early. would serve on the board for
(B)The children were forced to go another year.
to bed early. (B)The chairman elected the
(C)The baby-sitter made the bed board.
after the children got up. (C)The board decided Tony could
(D)The baby-sitter did not stay up be chairman after one year.
late. (D)Tony became chairman for one
more year.
4 (A)The man taught his son about 9 (A)The judge defended the
football. murderer.
(B)The boy is receiving the ball (B)The judge tried to protect the
from his dad. defendant from the murderer.
(C)The ball is being tossed into the (C)The judge said that the
air by the boy. defendant was a criminal.
(D)The man is playing with the ball (D)The defense couldn't make a
in the sun. judgment about the criminal.
5 (A)The students were told to go 10 (A)The woman should announce
listen to the speaker. the names of the committee
(B)The professor attended that members.
evening's lecture. (B)He is thankful to be appointed
(C)The students were given to the committee.
directions to the lecture. (C)He is sure about the time of the
(D)The professor was directed to appointment with the committee.
the lecture hall. (D)The woman will serve on the