P. 16

D. Fill in the following table about the different ways of greeting in several countries.

                                                        COUNTRIES                      GREETINGS
                                               1.  The USA                      1.  ...................................
                         Think of what          2.  Canada                      2.  ...................................
                         you are looking        3.  Britain                     3.  ...................................
                         for while you are      4.  ...................................   4.  a strong grip handshake
                         through the text.      5.  France                      5.  ...................................
                         For example, for       6.  Belgium                     6.  ...................................
                         question 1
                         exercise D: the        7.  Saudi Arabia                7.  ...................................
                         keywords are           8.  ...................................   8.  bow
                         countries and
                         handshake.             9.  Korea                       9.  ...................................

                                                10. Tibet                       10.  ...................................

                      E.  Answer these questions below based on the text you have read previously.
                          1.  In what countries is handshake usually used?
                          2.  Why is Russian’s handshake different from other countries’ handshake?
                          3.  How do people in Saudi Arabia greet others?
                          4.  What is the traditional greeting in Eastern countries?
                          5.  Among those greetings mentioned in the text, which one is the most unique greeting?


                      A. Listen to the audio and fill the information.

                         1.  In ___________ people often say ‘G’day.’ In parts of ___________ people may greet each other
                           with ‘Howdy!’ or ‘How you doin?’ In ___________ people more commonly say ‘Hiya.’
                         2.  But  there  is  more  to  ___________  than  words.  Some  greetings  also  include  particular
                           movements. For example, in many places it is common for people to ___________ each other’s
                           hands when they meet. In some cultures, people ___________ each other on the side of the
                           face, the cheek. Some people give ___________ by putting their arms around each other and
                         3.  Many greeting customs include ___________. This helps people to recognize each other. In
                           ___________  holding  someone’s  face  close  and  breathing  in  is  part  of  greeting  someone.
                           ___________ people in ___________ have a similar custom. They press their faces together and
                           breathe in when they meet someone.

                      10 BASIC ENGLISH
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