P. 39

A.   Find incorrect articles in each dialogue, then write the correct articles.

                       1.  A : What’s in your bag? _____________________________
                          B : A apple, a mobile phone, two brushes and an book. __________________________
                       2.  A : What’ s in your bag? ______________________________________
                          B: Two cameras, a MP3 Player, an umbrella, two watches and an passport.
                       3.  A : What’s in your bag?___________________________________
                          B : A brush, two apples, a Ipod, three pens, a purses, two books, my keys, a  umbrella and a
                          mobile phone.______________________________________________

                                                                       Regular plurals        Irregular
                                                                       Bag – bags
                     This is and electronic dictionary.    These are sunglasses.
                                                                                              Man – men
                                                                       Watch – watches
                     What is this?                                        What are these?
                                                                                              Woman –
                                                                       Dictionary – dictionaries
                       It is an electronic dictionary.           They are sunglasses.         women
                                                                       Key –keys
                                                                                              Child –
                     Is this your watch?                             Are these your keys?

                       Yes, it is.                                               Yes, they are.

                       No, it’s not.                                          No, they are not.   Some nouns are only plural:
                                                                       Jeans, scissors, glasses, sunglasses

                    B.   Complete the questions and answers about the pictures. Then practice with a partner.

                     A : What’s this ?           A : Are _____your ____?
                                                                             A : What __________?
                     B : I think it’s ____________   B : No, _____. They are ______  B : ________________

                     A: Is ______your______?     A : Is _____your ______?    A : What ________?
                     B: Yes, ___________         B : No, _______________     B : ______________________

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