P. 66


                          A.  Read this online chat between two university students.

                                Hi Amanda. Are you still awake?
                                               What’s up, John? I am studying for tomorrow’s exam. Usually I

                                               never stay up this late at night. But I still have some papers to read.

                               Listen. I also have an exam tomorrow. It’s The Principles of
                               Microeconomics. Do you have the handbook of that subject? I

                               usually keep the soft file of my handbooks in my laptop. But, I
                               cannot find it right know. Can I borrow yours?
                                                   Okay. I will send it to your email early in the morning. Let me
                                                   finish  reading the last paper. Your class is at 2 p.m., right?

                                Yes. Thanks Amanda. You’re really helpful. Can you send it before 6? It’s a
                                really thick handbook. I am afraid I don’t have enough time to study the
                                book. As a return, I’ll treat you a dinner. What do you want for dinner?

                                                             On Fridays The Codfather gives discount for their
                                                             fish and chips. Do you want to go there?
                                That’s my favorite restaurant! My family and I often have lunch together there on

                                Saturdays or Sundays. So, I pick you up at 7.15? From Monday to Friday, I work in
                                the library from 3 to 7. After that, we can go to The Codfather.

                                                      That’s too early for dinner. I usually have dinner late in the
                                                      evening. How about 9.30? Friday is family time. I go visiting
                                                      my mom on Fridays and go back home around 8 or 9.

                                Okay. I’ll pick you up at 9.30. See you.

                      B.  Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the online chat you read.
                          1.  Amanda usually goes to bed after midnight.                  (      )
                          2.  John has a class on The Principles of Microeconomics in the afternoon.   (   )
                          3.  John lost his handbook.                                     (      )
                          4.  John and his family eat at The Codfather on weekends.         (    )
                          5.  John is a full time worker.                                 (      )
                          6.  John works on weekdays.                                     (      )

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