Page 56 - IELTS Preparation band 5.0-6.5
P. 56
Vocabulary and grammar review Uni~ 3
Vocabulary @) Study this graph and complete each sentence
below using a preposition from the box. Two of
0 Complete each of these sentences with the correct
the prepositions are used twice.
form of learn, teach, study, know or find out.
Full-time enrolment of students in education
1 Some people ~e.G.I:r:1:t . to speak a new language
in Ireland (1980-2010)
faster than others.
2 I'll .. how much the book costs and call
you back.
3 This software is great - it's ........ ...... me how to
pronounce some difficult English sounds.
4 Unfortunately, my brother should have
harder for his exams.
5 My tutor was annoyed because he didn't
why I was late for the lecture.
6 I prefer . in the library, where it's quiet.
7 We haven't .. about phonetics with our
course tutor yet.
8 I was going to tell Mark about the test, but he
already ..
1980 1990 2000 2005-2006 2009-2010
Grammar _ ___.. __ primary level --·--- secondary level
E) Complete these sentences with the past simple, at between by from 1n of over to
present perfect or present perfect continuous of
the verb in brackets. In some cases, two forms
are possible. The chart shows changes in Irish school enrolment
figures 1 . PYe.r ... a 30-year period.
1 I 0,0-,ve,r1:ti1l 0 (learn) Japanese for two
years now. 2 ......... 1980 and 2010, there were always more
students at primary level than at secondary level.
2 ... .. .. ........ . .............. (you decide) which
university to apply for yet? About 550,000 students were studying at primary
3 My favourite author .. . . . (write) level 3 .................. 1980, and this figure remained
his first book ten years ago. stable 4 .......... the next ten-year period. Enrolments
4 Not everyone in my old high school fell 5 .................. 100,000 after that, then rose gradually
........... .... (come from) the local area. 6 ................. 500,000 at the end of the first decade of
5 We .... ........ . (wait) here for half an the 21st century.
hour, but my tutor still hasn't arrived. Enrolments in secondary education fluctuated slightly
6 Maisie . . ... ......... . (feel) very nervous during this time period. 7 ................. .1980 to 2000, there
before the presentation, but it went well. was an increase 8 ................. .50,000 students, and
7 Since the heavy rains started, my sister numbers reached 350,000. The next five years showed
................ .. ......... (travel) to college by bus. a slight decrease 9 ........... numbers, and since 2005,
8 My neighbour recently confessed that he numbers have remained stable 10 ................ 325,000 .
. . . (never read) a newspaper in Overall, while primary school numbers have fallen
his life! slightly, secondary school enrolments have risen.
@ Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 3