Page 10 - OSU Alumni Association Proposal
P. 10

LOYAL                                                          & TRUE


      1.      Master Planning – General Fee and Scope of work for the master plan of the complete renovation.

                     Fee for this scope of work is $10,000

                     Scope – Meet with OSU AA team and develop needs assessment program (typically a series of
                     2-4 meetings). Results in a program document identifying space requirements/functions and
                     diagrams showing relationships between spaces. Develop plan for phasing of construction and
                     schedule of workflow. Develop concept floor plans and renderings of key spaces. Develop
                     fundraising materials to help support the effort to fund the project and promote OSU Alumni
                     Association’s mission.

      2.      Phase 1 -  fee and general scope for the Phase 1 which would be the Legacy and Traditions Hall plus the
              Jones Hall.

                     Fee for this scope of work $75,000

                     Scope – Develop construction documents for Phase 1.  Select finishes, develop color boards
                     for selection purposes and present to OSU AA team along with interior renderings to clearly
                     communicate the design intent.  Work with contractor to develop budgets and design to stay
                     in those budgets.  Coordinate with product vendors for material selections and technology
                     systems.  Lead the Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and structural engineers to produce
                     construction documents.  Submit for building permit and work with Authority Having Jurisdiction
                     (AHJ) to obtain building permit.  Review bidding and contracts with contractor/cm.  Respond
                     to questions/comments during bidding and construction (provide Construction Administration
                     services, job site meetings, review of submittals).

      3.      Phase 2 – East areas of the first floor plus Click Hall Renovations

                     Fee for this scope of work $75,000

                     Scope – Develop construction documents for Phase 2.  Select finishes, develop color boards for
                     selection purposes and present to OSU AA team along with ]interior renderings to clearly
                     communicate the design intent. Work with contractor to develop budgets and design to stay
                     in those budgets. Coordinate with product vendors for material selections and technology systems
                     Lead the Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and structural engineers to produce construction
                     documents. Submit for building permit and work with Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ
                     to obtain building permit. Review bidding and contracts with contractor/cm. Respond to
                    L O Y A L
                     questions/comments during bidding and construction (provide Construction Administration
                     services, job site meetings, review of submittals).

      4.      Phase 3- Upstairs Staff areas / any outside work we might do.

                     Fee for this scope of work $75,000

                     Scope – Develop construction documents for Phase 1.  Select finishes, develop color boards
                     for selection purposes and present to OSU AA team along with interior renderings to clearly
                     communicate the design intent.  Work with contractor to develop budgets and design to stay
                     in those budgets.   Coordinate with product vendors for material selections and technology
                     systems.  Lead the Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and structural engineers to produce
                     construction documents.  Submit for building permit and work with Authority Having Jurisdiction
                     (AHJ) to obtain building permit.  Review bidding and contracts with contractor/cm.  Respond
                     to questions/comments during bidding and construction (provide Construction Administration
                     services, job site meetings, review of submittals).
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