Page 12 - Pearhead Pet
P. 12

no mixing.

       no baking.

       no mess.

                                                      89006                                  11406

                                       pawprints memory box                       pawprints wall frame

                                       Includes 100% pet-safe, air drying clay    Includes 100% pet-safe, air drying
                                       to make the perfect paw print              clay to make the perfect paw print
                                       4” x 6” photo insert                       4” x 6” photo insert

       Each pawprints frame                                                                    21406                                                      83033                                                 83016
       includes impression
       material, rolling pin,          pawprints keepsake                         pawprints desk frame                               distressed pawprints desk frame                            white pawprints desk frame
       ruler, double-sided tape,
       acid-free beveled mat,          100% pet-safe, air drying clay             Includes 100% pet-safe, air drying clay            Includes 100% pet-safe, air drying clay                    Includes 100% pet-safe, air drying clay to make
       & instructions. Keepsake        Makes the perfect paw print                to make the perfect paw print                      to make the perfect paw print                              the perfect paw print
       includes shaping ring           Includes 3 ribbon colors
       instead of ruler.                                                          4” x 6” photo insert                               4” x 6” photo insert                                       4” x 6” photo insert
        12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  13
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