Page 1 - National Book Network Florida Books 2
P. 1
Exploring Nature: Scats and Tracks of the First Fairy Tales: The
Turtles & Tortoises: An Pacific Coast: A Field Little Mermaid
In-Depth Look At Guide to the Signs of 70
Chelonians, The Shelled Wildlife Species (2nd 9781861474537
Reptiles That Have Edition)
Existed Since The Time Of
The Dinosaurs 9781493009954 $6.99
9781861476432 24 pages
Board Book
$12.95 Grades P to P
192 pages Juvenile Fiction / Fairy Tales
$12.99 Trade Paperback & Folklore / Adaptations
64 pages Ages 13 to 22, Grades 8 to
Hardcover 17
Juvenile Nonfiction / Animals Nature / Animals
/ Reptiles & Amphibians
New Crafts: Shells: 25 Mermaids: An The Mermaid's Treasure
practical projects using Anthology: A beautiful Hunt: Peek inside the 3D
shapes and textures of illustrated collection of windows!
natural shells verse and prose
9780754827139 9780754826569
$13.99 $7.99 12 pages
96 pages 64 pages Ages 0 to 17, Grades P to 12
Hardcover Hardcover Juvenile Fiction / Animals /
Crafts & Hobbies Poetry / Anthologies Dragons, Unicorns &
Shells: Nature's Flirting with Mermaids: Seashells, Crabs and
Exquisite Creations The Unpredictable Life of Sea Stars: Take-Along
a Sailboat Delivery Guide
9780892729760 Skipper
128 pages $7.95
Hardcover $14.95 48 pages
Photography / Subjects & 224 pages Trade Paperback
Themes Trade Paperback Ages 7 to 10, Grades 2 to 5
Sports & Recreation / Sailing Juvenile Nonfiction / Science
& Nature
The Best-Ever Fish & 500 Fish & Shellfish: A World Encyclopedia of
Shellfish Cookbook: fabulous collection of Fish & Shellfish
320 Classic Seafood classic recipes featuring
Recipes From Around The salmon, trout, tuna, 9781844766130
World Shown Step By sole, sardines, crab,
Step In 1500 lobster, squid and more,
Photographs shown in 500 glorious $24.99
9781780194325 256 pages
9780754823391 Trade Paperback
Cooking / Specific
Ingredients / Seafood
512 pages $29.99
Trade Paperback 256 pages
Cooking / Specific Hardcover
Ingredients / Seafood Cooking / Specific
Sea Shells, Mermaids & Shellfish - January 2017 Page 1