Page 53 - Top it Off Spring 2021
P. 53

Elsa Bamboo Poncho

                                                           Sold in quantities of 3  |  $14 each  |  One size
                                                      Fine gauge knit  |  100% Bamboo  |  26” L  x 31” W
           LY5-PNK                                                  40” L from shoulder point to bottom   SAVE MORE ON OUR
          Peony Pink
                                           * Only                                          ONE           VALUE PROGRAM
         Shown Here
                                              $14                                                         Bamboo Poncho

                                                                                                           3 of each color,
                                                                                                         21 colors, 63 pieces
                                                                                                         LY5-PS21  $837.90

                                                                     Taupe              Camel
                                                                LY5-TAUPE  $14      LY5-CML  $14

                                                                  Marshmallow           Gray               Black
                                                                LY5-MARSH  $14      LY5-GRY  $14       LY5-BLK  $14

          Aruba Blue           Navy               Azure           Blue Lagoon           Cyan             Tomato Red
        LY5-ARU  $14       LY5-NVY  $14       LY5-AZU  $14       LY5-BLG  $14       LY5-CYAN  $14      LY5-TOM  $14

            Rose              Magenta           Peony Pink         Watermelon         Tangerine            Peach
        LY5-ROSE  $14      LY5-MAG  $14       LY5-PNK  $14       LY5-WAT  $14       LY5-TANG  $14      LY5-PCH  $14

                   Metallic Black            Metallic Gold            Metallic Navy            Metallic Silver
                 LY5-METBLK  $14            LY5-GLD  $14            LY5-METNVY  $14            LY5-SIL  $14
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