Page 2 - Lula and Lee 2020
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Lula ‘n’ Lee……..
A Short Story
Once upon a time, in the year of 1940, a f amily wedding took place in a
little white country chur ch in the community of P rairie Hill in Texas. Lula and
Lee married and settled down to a lif e of farming and self employment.
Lee worked as a contr actor/carpenter building barns and r emodeling
jobs along with f arming and r aising cattle. Lula was a homemak er and took
much pride in v egetable gar dening and canning. T he most impor tant par t
of their lif e was their tw o childr en, a son and a daughter.
She provided day car e for her tw o grandchildr en and as the next
generation came, Lula and L ee welcomed the gr eat grand-childr en.
Sunday lunches wer e a regular ev ent with the whole f amily showing up
almost ev ery week. They just squeezed mor e chairs around the big dining
room table as the f amily gr ew.
In their midlif e and r etirement year s, Lula and Lee enjoyed g oing dancing
with many friends in the “T op Cat Dance Club” and also playing car ds as
much as they could.
Lula, in her later year s, dev eloped Alzheimer’s and Lee stayed by her
side thr ough all.
Their lif e was a blessing to all who knew them and they wer e such an
inspiration to their daughter and gr and-daughter who now ar e the jewelry
designer s of “Lula ‘n ’ Lee” and we dedicate our cr eative spirit to them .