Page 47 - Hearthsong
P. 47
COLOR POPS ® Made of solid hardwood Ages 3+ Bird House
Paint-Your-Own Habitats Includes paint & brush Features
& comes pre-assembled
Includes 4 paint pots & 1 brush
7"L x 5½"W x 7¼"H
Item # CG732449
Observe through Put up the Add your own
one-way film privacy screen touch with
without alarming at night 4 paint pots &
the nest 1 brush
Bird Feeder
Window Features
Bird House Includes 4 paint pots
& 1 brush
Features 6¾"L x 5"W x 6¾"H
Observe the
entire nesting Item # CG732450
cycle of birds
Features a safety
chain &
suction cups
Also includes
one-way mirror
and detachable
privacy screen
Educational info
sheet on how to
attract birds Butterfly House
6½"L x 5"W x Features
7½"H Includes 3 paint pots
Item # CG732448 & 1 brush
4"L x 3¾"W x 9"H
Item # CG732451