Page 11 - Le Cadeaux
P. 11

                                                                        set of two 11” square serving platters

                #201BIA                #GS-201BIA
                 Bianco                   Bianco
            18”x7” rectangle      18”x7” platter with white
              serving platter      Laguiole cheese utensil
                                                                              set of four 7” tapas plates

            18”x7” rectangle platter with three 4.75” bowls

                              #247BIA                                                  Bianco
                               Bianco                                            18” handled platter
                        13” large handled bowl

                    #401-BIA                  #GS-299BIA          #122BISB                      #222BIA
                     Bianco                      Bianco         Bistro Bianco                    Bianco
                  set of 12 mini           11.5” patisserie tray   heavyweight            set of chip & dip bowls
                  dipping bowls              with small tongs    salad servers
                                                                                   more gift sets available, please see page 35
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