Page 2 - Le Cadeaux
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Le Cadeaux was established in 2002 with a strong creative vision,
                               a passion to capture all life’s special moments and to turn
                             ordinary events into extraordinary life experiences. With this
                            vision continuing today, Le Cadeaux continues to innovate and
                                  inspire with our lifestyle, gift, and home collections.

                              Our brand portfolio includes shatter-resistant fine melamine
                          china with designs inspired by the French and Italian countrysides.
                             With a much heavier than typical melamine weight, upon first
                           glance, our dinnerware is often mistaken for real ceramic. It pairs
                             beautifully with our shatter-resistant glassware that does not

                           scratch or become cloudy over time and repeated use. Table art
                              that is beautiful enough to dress the table for any indoor or
                             outdoor gathering, yet offers the practicality of being virtually
                            unbreakable and dishwasher safe. Beyond just dinnerware and
                            serving pieces, our coordinating paper napkins and placemats
                           complete the look of the fashionably dressed table. Le Cadeaux
                          unique and cleverly packaged gift sets make gift giving effortless.
                          Our newest category of hand soaps, bar soaps, and soap gift sets
                                have captivating fragrances and designs inspired by our

                                                dinnerware and napkins.

                                 Life is about capturing and enjoying special moments,
                                memorable gatherings, and the appreciation of culinary
                           experiences. Le Cadeaux Art De La Table shares with you the art
                            of the fashionably dressed table, the enjoyment of good food
                                       and friends, and living life to the fullest ...

                                    VISIT OUR SISTER SITES: WWW.BABYCIE.COM
                                             & WWW.CASACADEAUX.COM
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