Page 47 - Kiss Me In The Garden
P. 47

52205 Mollie the Puppy Bib,
                 with 3-D ears! 11”,                                                  Mollie the Puppy Dress & Leggings,
                 Minimum 3, $6.50                                                  soft flannel plaid. Comes with padded hanger.
                                                                                           0-6 months 522-G10M6
                                                                                       Minimum 3, $15.80 NOW $10.00
                                                                                          6-12 months 522-G10M12
                                                  52228 Mollie the Puppy, Dressed,     Minimum 3, $15.80 NOW $10.00
                                              wearing this adorable plaid dress, 13” tall,  6/12 Size Assortment 522-G10ASST6/12
                                                       Minimum 3, $10.50           Minimum 4 (2 per size), $15.80 NOW $10.00

           52267 Double Burp Cloth Gift Set,
        comes rolled and tied together with a ribbon,
                 Minimum 3, $11.00

                                                   Mollie the Puppy Footie, with
                                                flip-cuff sleeves to protect baby from
                                                     scratching themselves.           52230 Mollie the Puppy Nap Mat,
                                                    Comes with padded hanger.      soft fur padded mat for baby to play or nap,
                                                     0-3 months 522-G4M3                          37”,
                                                       Minimum 3, $13.85               Minimum 1, $32.50 NOW $22.50

            99837 Mollie the Puppy Socks,
                    0-6 months,
                 Minimum 4, $2.75

                                                  52275 Mollie the Puppy Lamp,       52204 Mollie the Puppy Travel Pillow,
          99887 Mollie the Puppy Socks Gift Set,  ceramic lamp base and fabric covered shade,  great for infants through grade-school age,
               set of 3 pair, 0-6 months,               12” tall, 8” wide,                        11”,
                  Minimum 3, $6.75                     Minimum 3, $13.50                    Minimum 3, $10.50


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