Page 89 - Kiss Me In The Garden
P. 89

Brown Romper                              Navy Romper                    33404 Freckles the Frog
                                                                                                  Travel Pillow,
       6 months 101BW-B7M6 Minimum 3, $19.00 NOW $10.00  6 months 101NV-B7M6 Minimum 3, $19.00 NOW $10.00  great for infants through
       12 months 101BW-B7M12 Minimum 3, $19.00 NOW $10.00  12 months 101NV-B7M12 Minimum 3, $19.00 NOW $10.00  grade-school age, 11”,
           6/12 Size Assortment 101BW-B7ASST6/12    6/12 Size Assortment 101NV-B7ASST6/12
           Minimum 4 (2 per size), $19.00 NOW $10.00  Minimum 4 (2 per size), $19.00 NOW $10.00  Minimum 3, $10.50 NOW $5.25

                                                                                              33451 Freckles the Frog
                                                                                           Multifunction Blankie, tabs with
                    33430 Freckles the Frog Nap Mat,                                      varying textures and two teething
            soft fur padded mat for baby to play or nap, 3-D knit arms                   rings make this blankie extra special,
                     make crinkle sounds, 36” square,                                              15” square,
                     Minimum 1, $32.00 NOW $16.00                                          Minimum 3, $10.75 NOW $5.00

                                                                                             37351 Ryan the Lion
           37304 Ryan the Lion                                                               Multifunction Blankie,
              Travel Pillow,     37332 Ryan the Lion Paci Blankie,  37315 Ryan the Lion,  tabs with varying textures and
          great for infants through  safely holds the pacifier while baby   soft plush with knit arms and legs,   two teething rings make this
           grade-school age, 11”,     holds the blankie, 10”,          15” tall,         blankie extra special,15” square,
       Minimum 3, $10.50 NOW $5.25  Minimum 4, $6.15 NOW $4.00  Minimum 3, $10.90 NOW $5.50  Minimum 3, $10.75 NOW $8.00

                                          40515 Ruby,                40615 Aimee,                40715 Emmie,
                                    adorable red-headed doll in a  beautiful brunette doll in an  bubbly blonde doll in a Pink Dress,
             99845 Lion Socks,    Navy Dress, (removable for easy   Aqua Dress, (removable for easy  (removable for easy
               0-6 months,           monogramming), 14.5”,       monogramming), 14.5”,         monogramming), 15”,
        Minimum 4, $2.00 NOW $1.00  Minimum 3, $10.50 NOW $5.00  Minimum 3, $10.50 NOW $5.00  Minimum 3, $10.50 NOW $5.00



              40815 Sophia,
        sophisticated brunette doll in
       an Purple Dress, (removable for       99040 Circle of Friends Doll Assortment,         PRICES
         easy monogramming), 15”,                one each of the four 15” dolls,
       Minimum 3, $10.50 NOW $5.00              Minimum 1, $42.00 NOW $20.00                SLASHED
                                                                                           While Supples Last!

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