Page 2 - Top It Off Fall 2020
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We love our customers!
Want to see what’s new? We have a BEST SELLER to share
with you and her name is KATIE!
Our Katie wrap stole the show in Atlanta for Fall preselling.
We know you will do amazing with this new wrap, and it is
at an amazing price point of only $18 wholesale.
Above: Karena and her family
Below: Elizabeth and her family
We took a different approach this season by focusing on a
few key colors – teal, merlot and olive green. These colors
show up in our dress prints and can mix and match with
our solid knits. It is easier than ever to make your store look
cohesive for Fall 2020.
Leopard and Camo are two prints that stay strong for this
coming season. We carried these prints in gloves, hats,
scarves and knits. As you look through our catalog, we
show you how to match a wrap with a dress to create the
perfect look.
Now let’s not leave out PLAIDS! New plaids in our famous
3-in-1 button wrap, as well as coordinating $6 wholesale
infinity scarves, are always a top seller.
We thank you again for being such great customers and 2 0 2 1 S p r in g
carrying Top It Off in your stores. P r ev iew
S h o p Ou r W eb sit e
f o r M o r e S t y l es!
Elizabeth & Karena D el iv er y F eb r u a r y 2 0 2 1
Prebook Today to
Reserve Your Inventory!
w w w . T o p I t Of f W h o l esa l e. c o m
w w w . T o p I t Of f W h o l esa l e. c o m