Page 27 - Primitives By Kathy Pet Catalog
P. 27

DISH TOWELS  006-00400  |  036-00360  |  28" x 28"  |  Cotton   |  Machine-washable, All-over print design as shown  Featuring rich-pigmented glitter accents. Towels
                                                                                          are machine-washable and glitter will not transfer.  DISH TOWELS  LOL- MADE YOU SMILE

         34222 Each g          34223 Each g          29125 Each                  29122 Each            33198 Each
         Dish Towel - Dog Hair  Dish Towel - Cat Hair  Dish Towel - Kids Have Paws  Dish Towel - Dogs Welcome  Dish Towel - Cat Mom
        }<8)$&!%=decccD<x     }<8)$&!%=deccdA<u     }<8)$&!%=cjbcfF<z           }<8)$&!%=cjbccE<y     }<8)$&!%=ddbjiC<w

                                                                                                 33199 Each
                                                                                             Dish Towel - Dog Mom


                                                                                    1.866.295.2849 // WWW.PRIMITIVESBYKATHY.COM  25
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