Page 47 - Primitives By Kathy Pet Catalog
P. 47

MUGS  002-00750  |  012-00675  |  20oz.  |  Stoneware  |   Double-sided. Microwave, oven, dishwasher, and food safe  BREED SPECIFIC BLOCK PRINT  HAND ILLUSTRATED

         n 108074 Each      n 108071 Each    n 108072 Each       n 108073 Each     n 108075 Each      n 108076 Each
         Mug - Dachshund    Mug - Goldendoodle   Mug - Golden Retriever   Mug - Lab Black   Mug - Lab Yellow   Mug - Yorkie
        v<1*!"$%=aiaheH<|   v<1*!"$%=aiahbG<{   v<1*!"$%=aiahcD<x   v<1*!"$%=aiahdA<u   v<1*!"$%=aiahfE<y   v<1*!"$%=aiahgB<v

          BLOCK PRINT STICKER & CHARM SET KIT  001-66000  |  21" x 27.50" x 11.75"  |  Wood, Vinyl, Paper, Metal, Enamel

                                Front                                                      Back

                  Use stickers to personalize             Charms add a touch of personality to
                  laptops, notebooks, water               pet collars and leashes. Find everyday
                  bottles and more!                       charms on pages 30-31 and 46-47.  QUICK PICK CHARM SET & STICKER DISPLAY
                                                                                    A curated assortment of charms and stickers to create an
                                                                                    easy display.
                                                                                    Receive 10% OFF + a FREE solid wood rack with purchase.

                                                                                      15 Sticker Designs     105144 Each
                                                                                    (6 of each design for a total of 90 Stickers)   001-66000
                                                                                   +  15 Charm Set Designs    Quick Pick Kit - Block Stickers
                                                                                     (4 of each design for a total of 60 Charm Sets)  & Charm Sets
                                                                                   = $660.00                 21" x 27.50" x 11.75"
                                                                                   – LESS 10% SAVINGS (applied at time of order)  Wood, Vinyl, Paper, Metal, Enamel
                                                                                   + FREE RACK              v<1*!"$%=afbeeA<u
                                                                                     TOTAL: $594.30

                                                                                    1.866.295.2849 // WWW.PRIMITIVESBYKATHY.COM  45
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